Getting ready for #Passover Seder 2018! Using a Visual #Haggadah this year! It’s #Matzah time :-)
Getting ready for #Passover Seder 2018! Using a Visual #Haggadah this year! It’s #Matzah time 🙂
Getting ready for #Passover Seder 2018! Using a Visual #Haggadah this year! It’s #Matzah time 🙂 11 things of Matzah Ball Mix, 22 Eggs, 22 Tablespoons of Oil, cooking for 20 minutes gives us 45 Matzah Balls! I know @officialmanischewitz says each packet makes 10-12 (which would have been around 110 Matzah Balls)…but who wants tiny Matzah Balls?! #favoriteholiday #passover #matzah #matzahball #matzahballsoup #futurezeide Getting the Matzah Ball Soup ready for my Passover Seder! This is only the first batch of 34! #passover #seder #matzahballsoup #matzahball #matzah