That time of day…
Where my legs give out and walking is near impossible. Thank you, Zappy The Wonder Walker, for being by my side while I'm on campus…'cause otherwise I'd be stuck here.
Where my legs give out and walking is near impossible. Thank you, Zappy The Wonder Walker, for being by my side while I'm on campus…'cause otherwise I'd be stuck here.
Time for some more caffeine…then cutting back on wordsge…and then laundry.
I believe that one of the mistakes that those in the various and affiliated helping professions can find themselves making is falling into is the trap of giving advice (speaking of, this post isn’t advice to anyone: it’s just my beliefs. Take it, leave it, modify it…the choice is entirely yours). I am of…
Like…no energy…getting food, and then sleeping a bit more #MaybeThatWillWork
Today is a very hungry day…and it involves much writing, and a brief stop for physical therapy…and then more food and more writing…
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the…
Popcorn, Nap, and then more writing…I am a very hungry hippo today.
So I worked until about 2:30, 3am this morning, and didn’t fall asleep until 4pm 4am (I’ve had a weird sleep cycle recently between leg/body pain, fireworks, and Fibrofatigue, among others). So I’m almost ready to get back to writing…I need more food before that can happen though. I’m also almost entirely done with…
Waiting For Pizza 01:35:02, 2017-07-03 @laurabean715 No…it’s not people’s lives. It’s your life. And MTA never wants you to forget it. in reply to laurabean715 01:49:01, 2017-07-03 @laurabean715 They don’t understand the importance of love or unicorns or laughter or happiness. in reply to nomadmatan 01:51:31, 2017-07-03 @netflix just let me skip…
Okay, about to start my Adult Interventions Papers, and then will go back to my Trauma & Human Rights Draft…and then maybe this evening I’ll get started on the two presentations I need to write…and I need to check my Addictions & The Family syllabi to see if there’s a final paper…almost there!