Christmas Market at the Schönbrunn Palace #Vienna #Wien #Schönbrunn #Christmas #ChristmasMarket #Vacation 2018-12-28 DrMattDSW
Christmas Market at the Schönbrunn Palace #Vienna #Wien #Schönbrunn #Christmas #ChristmasMarket #Vacation 2018-12-28 DrMattDSW
Wonderful work by @kadaverism at!!! Thank you so much!! #WandsReady #O5 #Tattoo #Ink #FreshInk 2018-12-27 DrMattDSW
When you make a stocking and halfway through question why you even bothered following the instructions; next year my own design lol 😂 2018-12-02 DrMattDSW
Add me on #PokemonGo my Friend Code is: 1182 2556 7314 #PokemonGoFriends #Pokémon #Pokemon 2018-11-18 DrMattDSW
You have no idea how excited I just got over @mujiusa toothbrushes at @jetblue #Terminal5 #IMayHaveAlsoRestockedOnAYearsWorthOfOfficeSupplies #ICame4HoursEarlyToShop 2018-11-05 DrMattDSW