Half the battle is getting the due dates from the syllabi into the planner. The second half is figuring out when to do all of the assignments! Let the @ubssw Summer Session begin!#RoadToMSW #organization #planners #paperplanner
Half the battle is getting the due dates from the syllabi into the planner. The second half is figuring out when to do all of the assignments! Let the @ubssw Summer Session begin!#RoadToMSW #organization #planners #paperplanner
Anime North 2017 Wrap Up
Before the wrap up first a little reflection: I am amazed, every year, about how much Anime North & Yaoi North continues to mean to me – it’s honestly the most amazing three days (well, four, when I can get up on the Thursday night beforehand for pre-con shenanigans) where it is totally acceptable to let…
My Tags, Let Me Show You Them
Remembering the nine students who passed away this school year at the @universityatbuffalo #UB #Buffalo #CMA #CampusMinistries #CampusMinistriesAssociation #Hillel #HillelOfBuffalo #StudentAffairs #StudentLife #HornsDown 😢
Remembering the nine students who passed away this school year at the @universityatbuffalo #UB #Buffalo #CMA #CampusMinistries #CampusMinistriesAssociation #Hillel #HillelOfBuffalo #StudentAffairs #StudentLife #HornsDown 😢
Our Interventions professor gave us these beautiful plants as an end of year present. Looking forward to raising this ivy in my home office 😀🎍#GradSchool #UB #SocialWork #SchoolOfSocialwork #MSWStudent #Training #RoadToMSW #SchoolSocialWork #Portfolio #FieldPlacement #Plants #Gardening #OfficeGardening #OfficeFarming #Botany #ShadesOfGreen @UBSSW
Our Interventions professor gave us these beautiful plants as an end of year present. Looking forward to raising this ivy in my home office 😀🎍#GradSchool #UB #SocialWork #SchoolOfSocialwork #MSWStudent #Training #RoadToMSW #SchoolSocialWork #Portfolio #FieldPlacement #Plants #Gardening #OfficeGardening #OfficeFarming #Botany #ShadesOfGreen @UBSSW
Say hello to Zappy The Walker! #mobility #ForWhenYouGottaMakeItAcrossCampusButDontKnowIfYoullHaveEnoughSpoons #ItHasADrinkHolder #PimpMyWalker #NextOnMTV
Say hello to Zappy The Walker! #mobility #ForWhenYouGottaMakeItAcrossCampusButDontKnowIfYoullHaveEnoughSpoons #ItHasADrinkHolder #PimpMyWalker #NextOnMTV
Center for the Spirit (Part II) #TraumaInformedCare #TIC #TraumaInformedDesign #TID #InclusiveDesign #InclusiveByDesign #MedicalDesign #Design #Medical #MedicalSocialWork #SocialWork #RoadToMSW #Research #UseOfSelfInResearch #Mayo #MayoClinic #Rochester #MN #RochesterMN
Center for the Spirit (Part II) #TraumaInformedCare #TIC #TraumaInformedDesign #TID #InclusiveDesign #InclusiveByDesign #MedicalDesign #Design #Medical #MedicalSocialWork #SocialWork #RoadToMSW #Research #UseOfSelfInResearch #Mayo #MayoClinic #Rochester #MN #RochesterMN