#matzahballsoup makes everything feel better :-)
#matzahballsoup makes everything feel better 🙂
#matzahballsoup makes everything feel better 🙂
When one of your favorite clergy people ask you to make a pocket to hold the mic pack in their robes you can’t say no. There’s a few mistakes because I’m sewing with a cold but it’ll do 🙂 #sewing #cold
Mom made me Matzah Ball Soup #sickday
https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/vp/3753ca11fbabafb9c5154ed68e3dd178/5A1C22C2/t50.2886-16/24163164_154252611992558_4200413423474835456_n.mp4 #art 🙂
Making #art 🙂
https://socialworkdesk.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/24142819_191044251469193_3297022646817914880_n.mp4 Making art after work on a Saturday afternoon 🙂 #Art