Getting ready for #Passover Seder 2018! Using a Visual #Haggadah this year! It’s #Matzah time :-)
Getting ready for #Passover Seder 2018! Using a Visual #Haggadah this year! It’s #Matzah time 🙂
11 things of Matzah Ball Mix, 22 Eggs, 22 Tablespoons of Oil, cooking for 20 minutes gives us 45 Matzah Balls! I know @officialmanischewitz says each packet makes 10-12 (which would have been around 110 Matzah Balls)…but who wants tiny Matzah Balls?! #favoriteholiday #passover #matzah #matzahball #matzahballsoup #futurezeide 11 things of Matzah Ball Mix, 22 Eggs, 22 Tablespoons of Oil, cooking for 20 minutes gives us 45 Matzah Balls! I know @officialmanischewitz says each packet makes 10-12 (which would have been around 110 Matzah Balls)…but who wants tiny Matzah Balls?! #favoriteholiday #passover #matzah #matzahball #matzahballsoup #futurezeide
Getting the Matzah Ball Soup ready for my Passover Seder! This is only the first batch of 34! #passover #seder #matzahballsoup #matzahball #matzah Getting the Matzah Ball Soup ready for my Passover Seder! This is only the first batch of 34! #passover #seder #matzahballsoup #matzahball #matzah
Thank you TEDxBuffalo
Thank you @tedxbuffalo for what was an incredible opportunity to share @foodgnomes message! If you haven’t seen my #TEDx talk yet, please watch it at #ted #tedx #tedxtalks #tedtalks #tedxtalk #tedtalk
Pleased to announce that the video of my TEDx talk is finally released!
Pleased to announce that the video of my TEDx talk is finally released! Watch it on YouTube by clicking the shortened link: #ted #tedx #tedxtalks #tedtalks #tedxtalk #tedtalk
Obligatory first day of the semester at @universityatbuffalo #selfie! This is my *last* semester of the #MSW program at @ubssw! Today is *also* the day that my @tedxbuffalo talk is released on YouTube! Big day all around :-) #TEDx #Buffalo #UB #HornsUp #GradSchool #RoadToMSW
Obligatory first day of the semester at @universityatbuffalo #selfie! This is my *last* semester of the #MSW program at @ubssw! Today is *also* the day that my @tedxbuffalo talk is released on YouTube! Big day all around 🙂 #TEDx #Buffalo #UB #HornsUp #GradSchool #RoadToMSW
Honored to be recognized as a Difference Maker!
Honored to be recognized as a Difference Maker by the #Buffalo #Jewish #Federation for my work with Food Gnomes! Wish I could have been in attendance when these beautiful plaques were given out (sadly I had a chest infection that evening), but happy to receive mine just the same! Thank you to the entire…