My beautiful cat, Akiva #tortiesofinstagram #tortie #tortiecat #instacat #cats #catsofinstagram 2018-09-04 DrMattDSW
10 years ago, today, I drafted into the IDF. I served 37 months. My life was forever changed in basic training, and in my service…for the better. I remember staring out at a little village that always reminded me of what a Dr. Seuss village must have been based on, as the lights twinkled in the early morning hours while I was on guard duty, talking to God in my head (as I do most days, and especially when I have some time alone). I remember making a deal with Him that if He saw me through it all, whatever it was, I’d work for Him when all was said and done…so basic training, a few years of Tseva Adom later, and then back to the United States, some family nonsense, and I finally landed back on my feet…as a Social Worker, working as a mental health counselor in the morning, and feeding the poor, the hungry, and the homeless in the evening and on weekends…and I count myself so, incredibly blessed…I still think I made out better in that deal, because my life has felt like I have been given nothing but gold and riches, and I am thankful #Tsevet5 2018-08-21 DrMattDSW
Just became a fan of @deadlyapples, they’re opening tonight. Awesome & adorable. 2018-08-12 DrMattDSW
Yesterday someone sent me a dick pick on Grindr, today my sheets are getting really personal. Just slow down everyone, let’s go for coffee and get to know each other first. 2018-07-23 DrMattDSW
Mug is for scale, and I need to replump the base a bit #cactus #amigurumi #amigurumis #crochet #plants #cacti 2018-07-20 DrMattDSW
The #furbabies chilling :-) #instacat #instadog #tortiesofinstagram #instapoodle 2018-06-24 DrMattDSW