Until the last person is liberated and the last fascist dust.
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Writing this on my phone as I wait for the bus. My car totaled itself Fred Flintstone style a few months ago when my boyfriend took it to the mechanic for me. I’ve decided to not get a replacement one. I live in a the second largest city in New York State. Everywhere I…
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What @RonDeSantis doesn’t get is that if he kills us we become martyrs. If he jails us we become political prisoners. If he fights us he loses and goes down in history as being on the wrong side. The first Pride was a riot. Be gay, do crime. Love always wins✊🏻 #Pride2023 — Dr….
I’ve had this blog for over 21 years (in a variety of iterations). One of the things that I used to do throughout high school, and undergrad, was blog – at least nightly, if not a few times during the day. I like using my blog as a space to gather my thoughts, concerns,…
Woohooo!!!! https://t.co/021tagjOTB — Dr. Matthew L. Schwartz (@DrMattDSW) Jun 4, 2023 https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js from Twitter https://twitter.com/DrMattDSW
The current environment has absolutely made professional collaboration more frustrating. https://t.co/n4qaTcskZr — Dr. Matthew L. Schwartz (@DrMattDSW) Jun 1, 2023 https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js from Twitter https://twitter.com/DrMattDSW
.@TeamUfYH is honestly the only reason as someone with chronic illness that my house is, and remains, livable. — Dr. Matthew L. Schwartz (@DrMattDSW) Jun 1, 2023 https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js from Twitter https://twitter.com/DrMattDSW
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Okay, done with patients for the day. Heading to my rheumatology appointment, and then doing something I haven’t been able to do in years: going to read some books in a cafe 🙂 — Dr. Matthew L. Schwartz (@DrMattDSW) May 30, 2023 https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js from Twitter https://twitter.com/DrMattDSW