Until the last person is liberated and the last fascist dust.
View on Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CtLAVBptgtr/
View on Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CtLAVBptgtr/
I’ve had this blog for over 21 years (in a variety of iterations). One of the things that I used to do throughout high school, and undergrad, was blog – at least nightly, if not a few times during the day. I like using my blog as a space to gather my thoughts, concerns,…
Amazed I am always amazed that the ‘master race’ – with all its flannel bravado – seems to think that us queer folks are weak. As if we didn’t grow up in New York or Appalachia or Louisiana alongside you. As if we haven’t served in every war since humans began walking upright and…
Before the wrap up first a little reflection: I am amazed, every year, about how much Anime North & Yaoi North continues to mean to me – it’s honestly the most amazing three days (well, four, when I can get up on the Thursday night beforehand for pre-con shenanigans) where it is totally acceptable to let…