Con Prep Day II
Okay, I am almost all ready – currently returning phone calls so I can clean out my voicemail: then a shower, printing out the last bit of stuff I need to for con, then doing the iron on transfers, and we are totally wrapped up…and if spoons stick with me I may even be…
And away we goooo!!!
So all of my blog entries are transferred over (woohoo!!)!! I will attempt to categorize/tag everything over the next few days (woot), as well as unlock a few posts that don’t have to be locked, but – by and large – we’re done! I am super, super, super excited to get back into blogging (and…
So about that export/import…
So the LiveJournal export didn’t export *everything* (totally not Greg’s fault, apparently one of my entries has something in it that’s making export hard) so now I’m manually copying entries from my LJ to my Blog fro 2002-2011 (and then deleting them from our evil Russian Overlords) while watching (err…listening to) Fantastic Beasts as…
Almost Time For Anime North
Before I begin, I have to thank both Gryvon for getting my blog back online and for providing hosting, and Greg for writing the script that allowed me to get my content off of LiveJournal’s servers, now that they’ve totally sold out to their Russian Federation overlords (speaking of, if you can afford to make a…
Catching Up on Mussar
So in between everything that’s been going on, I have had the distinct privilege of beginning my Mussar journey. Simply put, Mussar is a 1,000 year old, Jewish, Post-Modern Social Work Practice (though I’m sure the sages and Rabbis that developed it didn’t necessarily put it into those words)…though as I have dived into…
Remembering the nine students who passed away this school year at the @universityatbuffalo #UB #Buffalo #CMA #CampusMinistries #CampusMinistriesAssociation #Hillel #HillelOfBuffalo #StudentAffairs #StudentLife #HornsDown 😢
Remembering the nine students who passed away this school year at the @universityatbuffalo #UB #Buffalo #CMA #CampusMinistries #CampusMinistriesAssociation #Hillel #HillelOfBuffalo #StudentAffairs #StudentLife #HornsDown 😢
Our Interventions professor gave us these beautiful plants as an end of year present. Looking forward to raising this ivy in my home office 😀🎍#GradSchool #UB #SocialWork #SchoolOfSocialwork #MSWStudent #Training #RoadToMSW #SchoolSocialWork #Portfolio #FieldPlacement #Plants #Gardening #OfficeGardening #OfficeFarming #Botany #ShadesOfGreen @UBSSW
Our Interventions professor gave us these beautiful plants as an end of year present. Looking forward to raising this ivy in my home office 😀🎍#GradSchool #UB #SocialWork #SchoolOfSocialwork #MSWStudent #Training #RoadToMSW #SchoolSocialWork #Portfolio #FieldPlacement #Plants #Gardening #OfficeGardening #OfficeFarming #Botany #ShadesOfGreen @UBSSW
Say hello to Zappy The Walker! #mobility #ForWhenYouGottaMakeItAcrossCampusButDontKnowIfYoullHaveEnoughSpoons #ItHasADrinkHolder #PimpMyWalker #NextOnMTV
Say hello to Zappy The Walker! #mobility #ForWhenYouGottaMakeItAcrossCampusButDontKnowIfYoullHaveEnoughSpoons #ItHasADrinkHolder #PimpMyWalker #NextOnMTV
Center for the Spirit (Part II) #TraumaInformedCare #TIC #TraumaInformedDesign #TID #InclusiveDesign #InclusiveByDesign #MedicalDesign #Design #Medical #MedicalSocialWork #SocialWork #RoadToMSW #Research #UseOfSelfInResearch #Mayo #MayoClinic #Rochester #MN #RochesterMN
Center for the Spirit (Part II) #TraumaInformedCare #TIC #TraumaInformedDesign #TID #InclusiveDesign #InclusiveByDesign #MedicalDesign #Design #Medical #MedicalSocialWork #SocialWork #RoadToMSW #Research #UseOfSelfInResearch #Mayo #MayoClinic #Rochester #MN #RochesterMN