America The Beautiful (In Its Imperfection)
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the…
Daily Tweet Digest
Daily Tweet Digest 00:32:50, 2017-07-09 RT @InsidersABC: What did we learn about @realDonaldTrump at this #G20? @CUhlmann explains. #Insiders 05:03:44, 2017-07-09 RT @Kevin_Raposo: Hey guys, it's sunday. Go outside. 15:59:16, 2017-07-09
Daily Tweet Digest
Daily Tweet Digest 00:34:44, 2017-07-08 She wouldn't stop chirping until I massaged her #cat #cats #tortoiseshell #tortitude… 05:43:27, 2017-07-08 RT @JSchrinerBriggs: Damn I really slept in, woke up and Ivanka was President. How many people had to die for the order of succession to… 21:24:15, 2017-07-08
She wouldn’t stop chirping until I massaged her #cat #cats #tortoiseshell #tortitude #catsofinstagram #instacat #instalikes #kitty #kitties #catdad #mycat #mycatAkiva #nosuchthingastoomanyhashtags She wouldn’t stop chirping until I massaged her #cat #cats #tortoiseshell #tortitude #catsofinstagram #instacat #instalikes #kitty #kitties #catdad #mycat #mycatAkiva #nosuchthingastoomanyhashtags
Daily Tweet Digest
Daily Tweet Digest 00:28:47, 2017-07-07 RT @fakedansavage: There was no vote, @Variety. The LGBT community didn't call a meeting and unanimously pass a resolution.… 02:33:42, 2017-07-07 @Sangrebloom @fakedansavage @Variety Don't act like you didn't get the fridge magnet with this years meeting dates #AlsoHaveAnEvite in reply to Sangrebloom 02:34:33, 2017-07-07 RT @ScottyRad:…
(Not Quite) Back to Square One
Just finished up at the Neurologiats office. They don’t think this is just Fibromyalgia for a lot of reasons. Chief among them are that many of my symptoms are far beyond the scope of Fibromyalgia. Also, whenever I’m in a flare up/excessive pain, my CK levels are elevated indicating some kind of muscle issue…
Daily Tweet Digest
Daily Tweet Digest 00:30:11, 2017-07-06 @AmandaOcasio1 I mean, yeah, I make wicked good pasta but I mean it's not really something most folks tweet about, but okay… in reply to AmandaOcasio1 02:10:27, 2017-07-06 @SAKAfxkhrd @StarTrek is always the answer in reply to SAKAfxkhrd 02:11:07, 2017-07-06 RT @Wokieleaksalt: People paid to write about…
Back on the Wagon
Rejoined Weight Watchers. It’s the only program that’s worked for me (I once got down to 170lbs) – I stopped during my bankruptcy just because, life…but my doctor, GI, Neuro, PT have all been like “you. need. to. lose. weight” each for a different reason, and so it’s now on the same priority level…
Daily Tweet Digest
Daily Tweet Digest 00:29:44, 2017-07-05 OMFG YOU GUYS @asym is releasing a new game! I *may* lose my shit *flaps hands up and down* omg omg omg omg omg omg 04:15:56, 2017-07-05 Currently Playing: #KingdomOfLoathing #KoL…also eating #snacks…because my brain is done for the day. 04:28:12, 2017-07-05 RT @NPR: it is the…