I wanted to give an extra special thank you to @talkingleavesbooks who went above and beyond the call of duty at @tedxbuffalo! We were asked to provide books related to our talks for them to sell, and somehow my book fell from the list (something happened, donโt know what, not important). They were incredible and had someone go back to the store to go get copies of Stone Soup and return with them to sell! They made a special run for me when they certainly didnโt have to and it made the evening that more special (to me) to know a book that I treasure and that was important to my talk was included. Please support your local, independent bookstores. You will never get this kind of service elsewhere! Thank you so much!!!! #TEDxBuffalo
I wanted to give an extra special thank you to @talkingleavesbooks who went above and beyond the call of duty at @tedxbuffalo! We were asked to provide books related to our talks for them to sell, and somehow my book fell from the list (something happened, donโt know what, not important). They were incredible…
36 Steps in in 12 Hours: Meeting Our Clients Where They Are
While I am working to complete my Master’s of Social Work (MSW) I am also completing my CASAC (Credentialed Alcohol & Substance Abuse Counselor) credential alongside it as well. For one of my classes,ย The Nature and Treatment of Alcohol and Other Drug Problems, we are required to go to three 12-step meetings. This is…
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Adults Have Kids (or The Wisdom of Not Always Being Placed Where We Want)
I am not a kid person. I general I dislike having to deal with any children that are not my Godson, or any of my adopted nieces and nephews. In fact, when I adopted my cat they said “you need to be warned, she doesn’t like loud noises or children” and my response was…
Permission to Nuke The Whales
One of the traps that I think some of my clients (and even myself, to be honest) can get caught up in is that generally we want to do the right thing, and that sometimes we want to do the right thing so much that it becomes deleterious to our overall well-being and daily…