So once you’ve been a student of @themackayway’s you have this incredible sense of empowerment. Like “oh, I can do that.” I’m starting my new job today (they had called me yesterday to push it off one day) and I was like “I want something special to bring with me to my new job” and I was going to make just a regular #BuJo, but I had been wanting a travelers notebook, but I don’t like buying when I can make, and I was talking with my friend Agnes, so I was like “eh, I’ll wing it.” Now, it could absolutely stand to be slightly more square (never cut fabric when you’re coming off a day of migraines and migraine meds kids) but I am actually quite happy with it. I am going to add a sewing kit in the back (because why not); and despite my fog, the letters of both the bobbins, and the inside products, are all in the correct direction (woohooo). The buttons on it (which hold the elastic) are also very special. I purchased them when I went to Vienna for the first time (or what has been my first trip, and will be the first of many) and got to visit my sister Carina. We found them after a beautiful day spent wandering around the city (we found a flea market for a bit). Of course Vienna is where my grandfather had learned to become a tailor before Kristallnacht, so the trip was memorable and meaningful for so many reasons…and I have been holding on to these (and a few more buttons) waiting for a special use for them…and this felt right. So now, I have my new notebook setup, I am going to make my lunch for tomorrow, get my bag packed, and head to bed…and may you all have teachers like Kimberli who inspire you to go “eh, I don’t have a pattern, I’m not really sure how to make it, but I’m going to look at a few, and wing it, and adjust it, and fudge it, and I’m sure it will come out nice” because having met her has changed my life in many ways that I look forward to sharing with you all in the coming weeks and months ahead. Leila Tov and sweet dreams. Ohh and I added a nice yellow button to the front as a clasp #sew #sewing #design #travel #travelersnotebook #diy
So once you’ve been a student of @themackayway’s you have this incredible sense of empowerment. Like “oh, I can do that.” I’m starting my new job today (they had called me yesterday to push it off one day) and I was like “I want something special to bring with me to my new job” and I was going to make just a regular #BuJo, but I had been wanting a travelers notebook, but I don’t like buying when I can make, and I was talking with my friend Agnes, so I was like “eh, I’ll wing it.” Now, it could absolutely stand to be slightly more square (never cut fabric when you’re coming off a day of migraines and migraine meds kids) but I am actually quite happy with it.
I am going to add a sewing kit in the back (because why not); and despite my fog, the letters of both the bobbins, and the inside products, are all in the correct direction (woohooo). The buttons on it (which hold the elastic) are also very special. I purchased them when I went to Vienna for the first time (or what has been my first trip, and will be the first of many) and got to visit my sister Carina. We found them after a beautiful day spent wandering around the city (we found a flea market for a bit). Of course Vienna is where my grandfather had learned to become a tailor before Kristallnacht, so the trip was memorable and meaningful for so many reasons…and I have been holding on to these (and a few more buttons) waiting for a special use for them…and this felt right.
So now, I have my new notebook setup, I am going to make my lunch for tomorrow, get my bag packed, and head to bed…and may you all have teachers like Kimberli who inspire you to go “eh, I don’t have a pattern, I’m not really sure how to make it, but I’m going to look at a few, and wing it, and adjust it, and fudge it, and I’m sure it will come out nice” because having met her has changed my life in many ways that I look forward to sharing with you all in the coming weeks and months ahead.
Leila Tov and sweet dreams. Ohh and I added a nice yellow button to the front as a clasp #sew #sewing #design #travel #travelersnotebook #diy