Daily Tweet Digest
- @mattkayd #quivers #StartsMakingYouSteaks in reply to mattkayd 01:24:20, 2017-07-16
- RT @pfpicardi: If it's ok with you guys, I'm gonna TALK ABOUT ANAL SEX FOR A WEE LIL THREAD. 02:03:22, 2017-07-16
- Making crumb cake in the crockpot #600StrokesByHand #ThisIsWhyWeHaveMixers #Cake #FatKid… https://t.co/2PYkspcuRp 04:02:32, 2017-07-16
- RT @jonfavs: If you buy a cheap plan, get sick, and your illness isn't covered, you're banned from buying a new plan for 6 months https://t… 15:29:00, 2017-07-16
- RT @_hoemo: Guy who has not one decent pic of himself open & visible on his profile: "Don't message me w/o showing a face and full body pic… 18:34:54, 2017-07-16
- My First Vlog https://t.co/phuGj0jGB9 19:16:25, 2017-07-16
- @voxpopulare this is all your fault: my first #vlog #VideoKilledTheLibraryStar #Video #OldMediaIsNewMediaAgain #Blog https://t.co/phuGj0jGB9 19:18:05, 2017-07-16
- I’m one page over on this treatment plan proposal… https://t.co/QF0jT8RqAo 20:00:44, 2017-07-16
- Got another graded paper back! https://t.co/u5d3lfB8KH 20:38:18, 2017-07-16