Daily Tweet Digest
- Daily Tweet Digest https://t.co/3PGtPoORqg 00:29:30, 2017-07-12
- RT @asym: It's Yuletide in the Kingdom of Loathing. 04:09:30, 2017-07-12
- RT @meakoopa: note to self: tweets abt beloved Super Mario antagonist popular; tweets about Jacobite succession not so much 04:09:41, 2017-07-12
- RT @FelterSkelter: *has a heart attack*
*gets to hospital*
*pulls off oxygen mask to weakly say*
"no… take me to… the other one… i… 12:36:45, 2017-07-12
- @FelterSkelter Should definitely pin it to the top of your twitter profile tho in reply to FelterSkelter 12:37:06, 2017-07-12
- RT @FelterSkelter: Passed the 10,000 fav mark on this tweet and Chrissy Tiegen followed me. Do I get a deal to write a shitty book now? How… 12:37:13, 2017-07-12
- RT @SarahKSilverman: I think the whole Don Jr. thing was an innocent mistake he just honestly thought he was above the law. 12:46:09, 2017-07-12
- RT @EmilyGorcenski: If Trump gets taken down by emails I will believe in a God and that She is a poet. 12:46:30, 2017-07-12
- Listen 👏🏻 to 👏🏼 Captain 👏🏽 America 👏🏾 He 👏🏿 Punched 👏 Hitler: https://t.co/wD8NLVD6n0 12:48:58, 2017-07-12
- RT @tedlieu: Fun fact: Nixon was impeached for the cover-up. And several folks close to him went to prison. https://t.co/HcUDFfk8wJ 12:50:05, 2017-07-12
- @FelterSkelter Also: Mazal Tov…I'm not sure what the appropriate congratulatory gift is, maybe pizza? Wings? Impe… https://t.co/Lb3479OWhz in reply to nomadmatan 12:52:41, 2017-07-12
- RT @LiberalismRules: Trump saying "black lives matter." https://t.co/q9G48J470A 12:53:19, 2017-07-12
- RT @BettyBowers: @realDonaldTrump This is hilarious, coming from America's Biggest Gossip, who popularized the "People are Saying" attribut… 12:53:59, 2017-07-12
- RT @jamesrbuk: Julian Assange: LOOK AT MEEEE https://t.co/iLXfAlvR4E 12:54:34, 2017-07-12
- RT @JordanUhl: But we don’t have money to provide healthcare for the poor.
People are starving.
Schools are underfunded.
Yet, here we ar… 12:56:14, 2017-07-12
- @enigmaticpapi YAS please https://t.co/WUpmNq3Yfv in reply to enigmaticpapi 13:04:10, 2017-07-12
- @enigmaticpapi Cuddles instead? in reply to enigmaticpapi 13:55:45, 2017-07-12
- @enigmaticpapi https://t.co/C8H4UbYaMo in reply to enigmaticpapi 14:18:04, 2017-07-12
- RT @Nnedi: Wow, these people have even removed my NAME from my novel's cover in the tweet. Woooooooow, mschew. 😒. They don't even know det… 14:18:47, 2017-07-12
- Food & Writing & Food & Writing & PT & Food & Writing & Food https://t.co/Aibc21vlYB https://t.co/fh3XXbiM1P 15:32:26, 2017-07-12
- @11DanTheMan11 Always been my life philosophy. Too many people stay stuck, never see other cities, neighborhoods, o… https://t.co/BDfhZWutVP in reply to 11DanTheMan11 16:53:11, 2017-07-12