as if it couldn’t get any worse…
Subject: as if it couldn’t get any worse…
Date: Saturday 8/23/03 4:39:00 PM
Music: hall mates crappy music
I woke up in a pool of blood, but I don’t remember waking up, just that I was covered in blood…I banged on my RA’s door and he called campus security…after them calling me a suspect and me explaining to them that I didn’t take drugs or do alcohol and that my door was locked so no one hit me, I was taken by ambulance to the ER at Suburban Hospital where they xrayed me all over, gave me a cat scan ran tests and gave me stitches…apparently I fell from the top bunk onto the cement floor…I have to go to Buffalo General on monday to get oral surgery…I feel like such crap and I’m in pain – the not good kind.
The only highlights of this journey was that the doctor was really cute and calming, and the guy who wheeled me around was really big and tucked me in…other than that, stitches suck as does oral surgery and I had to keep from crying, because I kept on thinking “this could be so much worse, I could be gone and I wouldn’t have gotten to say goodbye to my friends or family”
I need sleep…thus, I’m going back on the bed of death (now complete with safety bar) and attempting to sleep…