My tweets
- Fri, 19:09: RT @GSASproblems: I can’t catch up on anything ever #GradStudentProblems #cramtime
- Fri, 19:28: Got my first A- in grad school 🙁 This now brings my GPA from a 4.0 to a 3.93, but I think I’ll survive #GradStudentProblems
- Fri, 19:35: RT @Itayhod: pls help me welcome famed photographer @ronenakerman to twitter. feel free to follow him. super cool dude and my friend for …
- Fri, 22:46: RT @GSASproblems: A big shout out to new followers @DiddlyJ @AnnaVanValin @nomadmatan @greatgatz87 Happy #FollowFriday !
- Fri, 23:21: RT @GSASproblems: Kitchen Nightmares is on Netflix. There goes my night #Friday #GradStudentProblems
- Sat, 10:19: RT @UberFacts: You should delete your browser cookies before buying airline tickets – Ticket fares go up when youâve visited a site mult …
- Sat, 10:46: timbuk2’s photo @timbuk2