Holy Cow! I can see the floor!!!
Well, due to the fact that we’re getting “inspected” for dangerous objects, I decided to clean up my room, you can see the floor and everything, it’s *QUITE* freaky. The last thing left to do is finish putting away my *FOLDED AND CLEAN* laundry, and I’m all set
I leave for NYC in I believe 10 days for a national conference, which should be pretty cool.
Yesterday we had our first quiz in psych, and the way I place my self on the exam was that I either got anywhere from a B to an F, I have no *IDEA* where I stand ::eep::.
For all of you who follow my progress regularly, my LJ now has a doman:
which I think is kewl.
Well, it’s time for me to go pickup *ANOTHER* book at the school bookstore, my proffessor decided that we needed more… and then to head over to starbucks to read and wait for class to start.
~ Zeus