Getting back into daily/nightly blogging
I’ve had this blog for over 21 years (in a variety of iterations). One of the things that I used to do throughout high school, and undergrad, was blog – at least nightly, if not a few times during the day. I like using my blog as a space to gather my thoughts, concerns, ideas, fears, worries, inspiration, etc…so that they don’t tale up residence in my head.
Sometimes I may write something important…rarely profound…mostly mundane (but human) as to the inner workings of my mind, and my life.
I had to stop for quite a few years (at least publicly) when I was in the IDF (the Intelligence Corps, and InfoSec took that kind of stuff quite seriously). Now that, in so many ways, my life is my own again (no longer in the IDF, no longer in graduate school) and I transition into my young adulthoold (turning 40 in a few years) I want to make sure that I return to this habit, and bring it foreward with me.
I like being able to look back to a random post, or investigate how I handled (or perceived) a situation years ago. I’ve gotten a lot of insight into my life, and even things that happened in my family that, while they didn’t make sense at the time, with the benefit of hindsight I understand ten or fifteen years later.
Today was spent seeing patients and resting, and I finally got a handle on cleaning my bedroom. I’ve been taking care to make sure that each area of the house has been clean…but sacrificing my bedroom as part of that mix…and finally, as we enter summer, I’m working to make sure that (come fall) my bedroom will be as comfy as possible for the winter.
Tomorrow is Pride in Buffalo/Western New York, and I look forward to being in the parade with friends, followed by a union meeting (and some more cleaning). Workin to get caught up on last years finances this week (by next week at the latest)…I am amazed at how much was truly put on the backburner in order to finish my doctorate…I can only see it now that I’m able to take a few steps back and look at all the work that needs to be done.
Fortunately, it’s getting there…and with that, it’s time for bed (maybe some nighttime popcorn…definitely some nighttime popcorn), some cartoons, and then an audiobook.
Featured Image by Juan Agustín Correa Torrealba from Pixabay