My Week…
Subject: My Week…
Date: Friday 10/4/02 9:14:00 PM
Mood: empowered
Music: Black Velvet-Nikki McKibbin-American Idol August 27, 2002
Wow, finally Friday, not that I’m not enjoying school, but the weekends are a time when I can just sit back and relax and just recharge.
Anyways, today went pretty smoothly. I had Mythology at 2pm (no, we still haven’t gotten our grades back, but our grader says that we *may* get them Monday), Health and Human Services went fine, I’m going to do studying for that class this weekend as well. We talked about alcohol and it’s medicinal purposes and the debate that surrounds them. I believe the majority of the class will be testing the medicinal hypothesis tonight, as it’s Friday…
This weekend I’ll be doing some of my own work as well, getting things up and ready, I have a phone conference with a client who wants some consulting work on Sunday, but that’s about it.
There’s a big surprise for our family, so check back here for more details…