My Amazing Weekend
Subject: My Amazing Weekend
Date: Tuesday 11/12/02 10:15:00 PM
Music: Dummy Bears Rocks!
Okay, so Friday I leave an away message up saying that I was going to be out late down at a local Buffalo hang out…secretly, I go fly in to JFK, NYC. Dad (on the pretext that he was going to settle something with a client, which he does often so it wasn’t out of the ordinary) goes to pick me up. I arrive and Dad and I drive home (Dad had a bad cold which sucks). Dad walks inside and goes to Mom (while I wait downstairs) “honey, I found an old friend at the clients house, are you decent” Mom goes “define decent, bring them on up” so I go up and the look of surprise on Mom’s face was great, we hugged for a long time and then we talked and hung out. I gave them an update on all things Buffalo and then I went and picked up V (Ben at the time couldn’t come out and play). I chatted with V’s parents and brought V home with me, talked with her and my Mom and caught up on everything :-). V had to go home early so I dropped her off and then drove back…it felt *REALLY* good to be behind the wheel of a car again.
Mom and I were talking and Sam rang the doorbell, and when he saw it was me through the glass and I opened the door he did a flying leap and hugged my neck and hung on like a monkey (okay, all together now 1, 2, 3, awwwwww…). It was good to see him, he’s doing amazingly well which just makes me so happy.
Mom and I decide that we’re gunna wake up early tomorrow to go do stuff (Dad was still sick so he wasn’t going to wake up early with us).
We wake up early-ish and Mom drove me to the Doctor (I had a cold and a cut on my back that needed taking care of so while I was home we decided we might as well just get it taken care of) then we went to the mall to go shopping at William Sonoma for Thanksgiving stuff…let me just say…wow…this years Thanksgiving is going to be off the hook. We then went to an Art store and I got some drawing pads, and Mom picked up some stuff she needed and then we head over to Barnes and Noble and I get a bunch of books. Then we come back and drop of my script’s at the pharmacy and who do we run into but my old boss, I say hi, she comments about my hair and earrings and that I don’t write often enough, I don’t call often enough (daily wouldn’t be often enough…)…the usual. We then go (as per a request from Dad) to PC Richards and get 2 DVD players for the house (which is good because it means I can finally finish Cowboy Bebop) so now we can watch DVD’s which is cool.
Mom and I come home, Mom takes a nap and then we Gather up V and Ben, Sam, Mom and myself (again…Dad’s still sick…:-(…) and head out to Sluggos for dinner. We convince the waitress to sing Happy Birthday to Mom (even though it was no where near her birthday) and have a wonderful meal with real food (and a Birthday desert for Mom…).
Woke up late (ahhh sleeping in on my couch…how I miss it… I don’t own a bed) had breakfast, and then the Grandparents came over (which is always cool). Had lunch at a diner with them which was great and I packed to get ready to go to the airport! Took a cab to the airport because Dad didn’t feel well enough to drive. I get to the airport, make my way through security and get to the gate and who happened to be there but my World Civ Professor! I said hi to Mr. Sussman and then we boarded the plane (late) and made our way to back to Buffalo.
It was a great weekend and I can’t wait to see my parents at thanksgiving.
– Matan