I just had a rootcanal…
Subject: I just had a rootcanal…
Date: Thursday 1/13/05 3:26:00 PM
Mood: okay
With no Anesthesia…how? you ask…
Simple, the tooth was so dead I couldn’t feel anything (well, except one or two slight prods that hurt me towards the end) anyway and the dentist was like “I could give you a novacaine shot…” and I was like “how’s about this, let’s not and if I find I need it, then you can give me one.”
Thirty minutes, no novacaine, one root canal done, I drove to the pharmacy, got antibiotics (ohh and he put a refil on it ::score::) and I’m home…of course at the pharmacy I had to walk in back and type the label myself, hand it to Jimmy who went “can’t you count it yourself,” make him count it, fix the fax machine and THEN get my script but hey, I did cut the line so whatever.