In medias res
IDF – In Brief
I finished basic training, was sworn in, completed a two month Hebrew course, graduated, was offered three shitty jobs. I fought for a good job while refusing to accept any of the jobs that they had offered me — since I didn’t want them on my record and it’s a bitch to switch out from a shitty job to a good one — repeated myself daily for a week that I’m a linguist and a professional, and handed out my CV to anyone who stopped long enough to make me think they might have some influence on the process. Was, through the grace of God, awarded the role as a Linguist (whoohoo working in my field within five years of graduating!!) in the Foreign Relations Branch of the IDF Ground Forces.
I was even given a letter by the Brigadier General in charge of ground forces stating that I’m recognized as a professional, that I’m a researcher, that it’s an incredible occurance that I was assigned to my branch and a few other things that will give me benefits later on…it’s original purpose was to allow me to begin the security clearance process since I wasn’t born in Israel and Moodin (intelligence) preffers to find native born Israelis to fill the nescessary roles so the B.G. and my Lt. Colonel had to justify why it had to be me, and why they couldn’t find or get someone else who was born here to fill the position (…and you can bank that a photocopy of that letter will be brought into whatever meeting I have, when I’m finally at the stage where I can negotiate a contract).
I have my own office, with a huge desk, couch, fridge, and electric kettle…and I was yelled at my first week for not decorating, so decorate I did…oh, and my immediate commander, and the deputy commander are also Gay, and we think one of the majors is a Lesbian…everyone else are future PFLAG members and I love working with all of them.
I am the only linguist (since the IDF doesn’t really hire in, it’s rare they get the professional staff they need if they don’t send a soldier to school and contract them for six years). We have a total staff of 20 (including me) so it’s nice and tightknit. I can’t tell you what armies I work with, but I can say it’s been really neat. It’s also the reason for this blog post.
I’m going through security clearance process right now (which is conducted by our friends at Mossad and Shabak/Shin Bet). So I was advised that it would be in my best interest to temporarily take down my blog ( and go through each and every entry and make sure that it fits with IDF guidelines — they don’t care about gay sex — I serve incredibly openly now that I’m off of basic training, but there’s stuff we’re not supposed to talk about (having nothing to do with what I do now) and while I don’t think I’ve mentioned any of it in any of my entries…I’m taking the advice and going through all of my entries. Incredible thanks goes out to gryvon
For those of you who have been wondering where I’ve been (internet wise) I’ve been rss-ing my blog feed, instead of blogging via livejournal click here to sign up for my syndicated account. Though I do follow all of your journals.
Dead Laptop
My laptop died, so after going to my bank and taking out a loan, I am now the proud new owner of an LG x110, it’s shiny:
I moved from my apartment in Tel Aviv to Kibbutz Zikim (conviently located next to our friends living in the Gaza Strip). Hearing “Tseva Adom, Tseva Adom, Tseva Adom” (translated) “Red Alert, Red Alert, Red Alert” (well actually, literally it means “rd paint) and then – sometimes – the sound of an explosion a few times a day (I’m on an open base which means I go to work every morning and come home every night) has taken some getting used to. I’m almost at the point where I’m going to borrow one of the cows on this kibbutz, put a cape on her, and launch her back if this bullshit doesn’t come to a close soon. Kibbutz Zikim was kind enough to adopt me as a soldier, which means that I don’t have to sign over my paycheck to them and I get to live here, in a private room, all to myself.
But a quick review: I’m working in my field of Applied Linguistics, living rent free, and working with job security that can be found nowhere else: I can’t be fired and I can only be promoted…with more than a month vacation time every year…and I’m not the only gay guy there.
…satisfied? You bet your ass I am.
Anyway, I miss you all. If you get a chance, send me an email ([email protected]) or something and let me know how you’re all doing.
…and speaking of rocket fire, we just had another red alert, and 15 seconds later, my windows shook…as they say, a storm is brewing.
Anyways, the last thing, of course is:
Merry Christmas (to all of my friends who celebrate it), nothing but good things this Christmas and New Year!!
If you haven’t heard back from my, or heard from me recently in general, my apollogies…it’s been hard between not having a computer, and moving — I just got my laptop and the internet installed in my room on the kibbutz…today.
– M