My tweets
- Thu, 23:37: I can’t wait to take a vacation next year. Me, a mountaintop, a yoga mat and the sound of the wind rushing past my ears #destinationunknown
- Thu, 23:37: RT @coopiez: Never look down on a person unless you’re reaching your hand down to help them up.
- Fri, 00:11: RT @SeattleBackpack: RT @piggybackrider: @SeattleBackpack Wow Obama takes convention Twitter record with 52,757 tweets/min. Michelle ~28 …
- Fri, 00:30: RT @cher: loved convention!Every speaker! Love & Respect him,Hes not PERFECT,but id trust him with my life…Wouldn’t Trust mittens …
- Fri, 10:21: Today is brought to you by Sudafed and Kleenex…this evening, by NyQuil that tastes just like the color blue should #thxforthecolddad