My tweets
- Sun, 12:25: RT @pamsgossiptrain: Watching The Godfather and The Godfather: Part II. Seven hours of film and seven pounds of pasta will be consumed t …
- Sun, 15:39: RT @YahooNews: Know someone working toward their GED? Urge them to finish up before 2014 changes come:
- Sun, 15:50: RT @johnhayato: @united Great job on causing a mad rush to customer service by canceling a flight with less than a hour notice before th …
- Sun, 22:59: Just caught the bouquet. Suck it single ladies.
- Sun, 23:45: Drunk bus sing along #memoriesfromundergrad
- Mon, 00:24: RT @prestonisnekkid: @americanair this past Saturday is the first time I’ve flown AA since the late 90’s, and I noticed nothing has chan …
- Mon, 00:29: RT @ManlyAsshole: I was in Germany a few months ago looking at a memorial with the names of dead Nazi soldiers. Or as we like to call it …