My tweets
- Thu, 15:31: @MikeSchwartzNYC also, welcome to twitter.
- Thu, 18:58: RT @cpastartup: Entrepreneurs – Get Fanatical About Your Accounting Routines. Now! –
- Thu, 19:24: And I can’t get my Rx until tomorrow because of insurance problems
plus side? If they have to take my leg I’ll win at pirate cosplay!
- Thu, 19:24: RT @AccountingToday: Examples from literary classics on how to interview potential fraudsters. From a workshop at @Tâ¦
- Thu, 22:35: RT @theTonyGee: If it looks like a duck, sounds like a cat, and walks like robot, you probably took too many painkillers.
- Thu, 22:59: Awesome!
- Fri, 00:12: Wiley waits patiently for popcorn. #poodle #poodlegram #dogsofinstagram #dogs #puppy #popcorn
- Fri, 02:07: Nico just sent me a link to this AMAZING and EPIC trailer: …couple of things: 1) THIS HAD BETTER BE REAL. 2) I’M…
- Fri, 02:22: @UncorruptedCub we’re going to see this movie when it comes out in Imax 3d. I’m treating it as a romantic comedy: