My tweets
- Sun, 14:48: RT @iamjustinleon: @nomadmatan hello hello hello!
- Sun, 16:52: Every time I watch #TNG I get the same feeling I did when I realized I never got my letter from #hogwarts #shouldhavegonetostarfleetacademy
- Sun, 18:32: She’s looking forward to the new apartment 🙂
- Sun, 18:34: In case anyone ever wondered – I’ve saved every gift and note I ever got during my service 🙂
- Sun, 18:41:
- Sun, 18:42: Okay, back to laundry and packing – almost done, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel and it isn’t a train! #choochoo
- Sun, 21:40: How to Exercise Your Brain to Make It Strong
- Sun, 22:54: 12 NSYNC’s Greatest Hits Updated For Their Now Twentysomething Fan Base
- Sun, 23:02:
- Sun, 23:45: 😀
- Mon, 00:04: Okay! 99.99999999% packed (as in, my belongings are in boxes, those boxes are sealed and in an organized…
- Mon, 00:37: Officially less than two weeks until I no longer have to live out of cardboard boxes #packing #moving⦠
- Mon, 02:05: 1 1/2 cup(s) FLOUR 1/2 teaspoon(s) BAKING SODA 1/2 teaspoon(s) BAKING POWDER 1/2 teaspoon(s) SALT 3
- Mon, 02:06: Seriously though #donttouchmycake
- Mon, 03:05: RT @LIRR: 2:07AM fr Jam due Prt Jeff 3:33AM oprtng 33 mins late due earlier unauth person on trks strk by New York & Atlantic freight trainâ¦
- Mon, 03:05: RT @LIRR: 1:36AM tr from Hunt due Penn 2:42AM oprting 62 mins late due earlier unauth person on trks strk by New York & Atlantic freight trâ¦