We’ve made it through midterms! 5 more weeks of classes to go!
Wow! What an incredible whirlwind the past few weeks have been! I am so blessed to have such an incredible cohort to experience all of this with! I am so excited for what the future holds for all of us!
Midterm grades are finally making their way back to us! I received a 95.6% on my Research Methods midterm (which I am extra excited about, because I wrote it while I had the flu). I am still waiting for my Theories of Human Behavior midterm to come back. However, our professor has assured us that we’ve done just fine, and that we all need to relax (you know, that whole self-care thing that we’re all supposed to be so incredible at by now).
Hard to believe that in five more weeks the semester will be over (and one of those weeks we’ll have off for Thanksgiving!). I am just, continually, thankful and grateful that I’ve been afforded this incredible opportunity to study something that I love and care about so much.
December will be here before we know it! I am very much looking forward to spending New Years Eve in Vienna, Austria, visiting the Sigmund Freud Museum, and – of course – listening to the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra play on New Years Day (we all practice self-care in our own ways, and mine is by occasionally giving into my wanderlust)!
#Journey #MSW #UB #UBSSW