L’Shanah Tova U’metukah
Wishing everyone a good and sweet New Year 5777.
This pas year has been so wonderful, and also so incredibly hard. It has been filled with challenges I’d never thought I’d have to deal with, and successes I would have never dreamed possible. It has been filled with incredible highs, and equally incredible lows, bringing it to be one of the most cosmically balanced years yet. What has been clear from this past year, and something I am taking with me moving forward, is the need for both balance, but also the incredible role that my friends play in my life, and doing all I can to be more open to sharing and giving of myself and my time to them, as they have been to me.
May the Days of Awe that follow this evening bring with them an opportunity for all of us to take time to self-reflect, and to take an accounting of our souls, before we stand before the divine on the Day of Judgement.