Like Losing a Superpower
My entire life, I have had ADHD, OCD, and TS (collectively TS+). My ADHD has been kept in check by my OCD, giving me just infinite amounts of energy; which I now find drained, and randomly sucked out of me during the day. It’s like having a power cord pulled out of me, randomly. I almost fell asleep while doing counseling with a client the other day…and I have to say it’s like losing a superpower. I’ve always had more energy than everyone else, and I mean a lot more energy…and if this is going to be my new reality (and we’re waiting to do the muscle biopsy, and then of course, find out the results of all of these tests) then I’ll learn to navigate it…but right now, I don’t know how, and I’m having to learn how to readjust…everything…how much I can get done in a day, how much I can do before I have to stop, how much I can do before I have to nap…
It’s giving me a world of insight into some of my client’s lives…and that’s the positive I’ll take from it; but it’s also scary as fuck, and answers can’t come soon enough. Friday I get a giant needle in my leg, and then next Tuesday I better have some answers.