S3E3: Bridging the Divide: Practitioners as Researchers and Researchers as Practitioners
Slides from the Workshop can be found here.
Hi Everyone,
Welcome back to Dispatches from the Social Work Desk! This podcast episode diverges from previous episodes, in that it is a direct recording of the talk I gave this past Friday.
This past Friday I was the invited speaker at the Solution Focused Brief Therapy Association’s 2021 Research Day (part of their annual conference).
It was my honor and privilege to present on how dissemination of research, implementation science and SFBT intersect. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
The presentation and the Q&A/discussion after were recorded with permission from all those who participated, and are shared as well. Since there was a great deal of chat in the Zoom chat box I have included it on the webpage for this episode (just click on the link in the information/about and you’ll be taken right to it).
Talk Transcript
Processing Through Otter.ai
Chatbox Content:
15:05:48 From Michele Orr she/her – Australia to Everyone:
TO hear about your work
15:05:57 From Dominik Godat to Everyone:
Seeing ways how I can benefit as practitioner of SFBT research.
15:05:58 From Sara Jordan to Everyone:
I echo michelle
15:06:05 From Julio j. Martinez to Everyone:
learn about numbers and social work
15:06:05 From Shaema Imam(inAtlanta)(she/her) to Everyone:
how can I be attached to research and continuous learning even after I finish this MSW
15:06:07 From Elfie Czerny to Everyone:
Curious how you bring research and practice together
15:06:10 From Cynthia Franklin to Everyone:
New ideas for practice and research partnerships
15:06:14 From Dominik Godat to Everyone:
How we can do SFBT Research as practioners.
15:06:15 From Jay E. Valusek to Everyone:
how to innovate vs evidence base
15:06:18 From Adam Busch he/him to Everyone:
echo Dominik
15:06:20 From Abi Flanagan (she/her) to Everyone:
Sharing research to clinicians
15:06:23 From cboyer to Everyone:
I don’t often think of myself as a research- but am super intrigued by the idea!
15:06:25 From Mo Yee Lee to Everyone:
Some practical and innovative ideas on the integration
15:06:27 From Karla González to Everyone:
to learn more about how you are bridging the gap!!
15:06:35 From Ray Eads to Everyone:
How to close research-practice gap
15:06:36 From Centrum Terapii CTK to Everyone:
how to research on my practice
15:06:36 From Julie Dubuc to Everyone:
Happy to discover you!
15:06:37 From Dominik Godat to Everyone:
Supporting you in your work!
15:06:37 From Andreea Żak to Everyone:
how to bring research into practice
15:06:38 From MOnica Rotner to Everyone:
Just want to hear what you have to say!!
15:06:45 From Heather Fiske (she/her) to Everyone:
See more practitioner at this meeting
15:06:50 From Santou Carter to Everyone:
how to research your private practice
15:07:39 From Ray Eads to Everyone:
Amount of time for research to go into practice
15:07:40 From Jay E. Valusek to Everyone:
how far behind practitioners are from research
15:07:40 From Dominik Godat to Everyone:
Your age?
15:08:09 From Abi Flanagan (she/her) to Everyone:
That’s incredible
15:08:22 From Karla González to Everyone:
15:08:31 From Jay E. Valusek to Everyone:
Applies to medical research too, which is scary when you go to your GP
15:08:41 From Karla González to Everyone:
15:16:49 From Aurie Contosta to Everyone:
15:16:50 From Dominik Godat to Everyone:
15:16:51 From Andreea Żak to Everyone:
15:16:51 From Abi Flanagan (she/her) to Everyone:
15:16:52 From Jay E. Valusek to Everyone:
15:16:52 From Adam Busch he/him to Everyone:
15:16:54 From Christopher Richmond to Everyone:
15:16:54 From Cynthia Franklin to Everyone:
15:16:56 From Elfie Czerny to Everyone:
15:16:56 From Ray Eads to Everyone:
15:16:56 From Steve Langer to Everyone:
15:16:58 From Sue Lickorish to Everyone:
15:17:00 From Philippe Koffi to Everyone:
15:17:00 From Julio j. Martinez to Everyone:
15:17:02 From Michele Orr she/her – Australia to Everyone:
15:17:05 From TVCC – Kim Benincasa (she/her) to Everyone:
15:17:11 From MOnica Rotner to Everyone:
If macro clients then 10
15:17:11 From Heather Fiske (she/her) to Everyone:
15:17:20 From Mo Yee Lee to Everyone:
15:17:41 From Michele Orr she/her – Australia to Everyone:
I want to want to and have started
15:17:42 From MOnica Rotner to Everyone:
Im super interested in the value of this!
15:17:45 From Steve Langer to Everyone:
Done it before
15:17:55 From Jay E. Valusek to Everyone:
I’m a professional writer
15:17:57 From Andreea Żak to Everyone:
having a good case from start to end, experience in writting, time to do it
15:17:59 From TVCC – Kim Benincasa (she/her) to Everyone:
I see clients, and see how helpful this would be
15:18:02 From Heather Fiske (she/her) to Everyone:
Already thinking and writing about clients all the time
15:18:03 From Adam Busch he/him to Everyone:
I’ve read SF case studies in text books and research articles so have a sense of what it looks like. And remember case studies from school
15:18:05 From Centrum Terapii CTK to Everyone:
I simply see clients
15:18:08 From Elfie Czerny to Everyone:
We support others in writing
15:18:10 From Cynthia Franklin to Everyone:
I have access and work with Practice communities and have done it before. I get paid to do it.
15:18:16 From Dominik Godat to Everyone:
We have video recordings of SF conversations.
15:18:24 From Philippe Koffi to Everyone:
I have support for that
15:18:28 From MOnica Rotner to Everyone:
ive done some videotaped macro sessions
15:18:35 From Keiko Yoneyama-Sims to Everyone:
15:18:35 From Aurie Contosta to Everyone:
I have the base, clients / research, wrote in the past and did it before. What’s scaring me is the once a year/consistent basis. 😛
15:18:37 From Elfie Czerny to Everyone:
I’m super excited about doing research – looking at SF dialogue
15:18:56 From Sue Lickorish to Everyone:
I’ve done scary things before!!! 🙂
15:19:22 From Keiko Yoneyama-Sims to Everyone:
lack of experience, totally not good writer, but 2 because I am interested and very very want some topics to gain more lights
15:19:40 From TVCC – Kim Benincasa (she/her) to Everyone:
Have a conversation with our research department to explore the idea!
15:19:45 From Taylor Yates she/her to Everyone:
Make a connection
15:19:48 From Andreea Żak to Everyone:
make a commitment
15:19:48 From Adam Busch he/him to Everyone:
listening to this presentation I hope will bump me up 1 🙂
15:19:50 From Jay E. Valusek to Everyone:
Start measuring things today
15:19:53 From Steve Langer to Everyone:
Start writing up something I have presented
15:19:53 From Sue Lickorish to Everyone:
find out what makes a good write up
15:19:56 From Elfie Czerny to Everyone:
bringing people together that are interested
15:19:57 From Keiko Yoneyama-Sims to Everyone:
move up on scale, email Dr. Jordan
15:19:57 From Ray Eads to Everyone:
Identify partners in the community
15:19:58 From Abi Flanagan (she/her) to Everyone:
To see examples
15:20:07 From Dominik Godat to Everyone:
15:20:08 From Sara Jordan to Everyone:
Yes, JSFP is a wonderful place to submit your work to make a difference
15:20:12 From Centrum Terapii CTK to Everyone:
why 10% only?! I will make a note about something I wish to write about
15:20:16 From Michele Orr she/her – Australia to Everyone:
Start and connect
15:20:53 From Christopher Richmond to Everyone:
Finding connections here with people sharing similar research interests!
15:21:41 From Elfie Czerny to Everyone:
People will start seeing themselves as explorers of their own work…
15:21:49 From Elfie Czerny to Everyone:
even more…
15:21:56 From Elfie Czerny to Everyone:
and they would share that
15:22:05 From Centrum Terapii CTK to Everyone:
I will write few lines a day at least
15:22:10 From Julio j. Martinez to Everyone:
skipped my coffee
15:22:24 From Brigitte Lavoie to Everyone:
Sending a text to Sara so she could see if that can go in the Journal
15:22:28 From Cynthia Franklin to Everyone:
I would work in a world where the research university would be restructured to support practitioner research
15:22:36 From Heather Fiske (she/her) to Everyone:
Excited by range of ideas and practices from colleagues
15:22:37 From Philippe Koffi to Everyone:
I would talk about that idea with mu colleagues
15:22:38 From Sara Jordan to Everyone:
I will see TONS of JSFP submissions
15:22:40 From Sue Lickorish to Everyone:
I would have an idea of what would be valuable to share
15:22:53 From Elfie Czerny to Everyone:
I would have more conversations about that and be able to encourage others to write more and share their work in a structured way
15:22:55 From Brigitte Lavoie to Everyone:
Let people know what we already know
15:23:23 From Mo Yee Lee to Everyone:
We are all talking enthusiastically about innovative ideas on practice and research.
15:23:49 From Sue Lickorish to Everyone:
I have no quantitative data. it would be all qualititative.
15:23:59 From Aurie Contosta to Everyone:
The research award committee will have a tough job each year!
15:24:05 From Michele Orr she/her – Australia to Everyone:
I will be asking my team about when they would like to write. Ask them what will it take to start ? That will encourage me to get started and take the lead
15:24:14 From Jay E. Valusek to Everyone:
I’d check with the Journal to see if they take little bits of, say, little idea articles.
15:24:47 From Jay E. Valusek to Everyone:
unicorns are scary
15:24:58 From Jay E. Valusek to Everyone:
15:25:27 From Taylor Yates she/her to Everyone:
Keep a journal
15:25:27 From Centrum Terapii CTK to Everyone:
as said – few lines a day
15:25:41 From Jay E. Valusek to Everyone:
email Sara
15:25:44 From Adam Busch he/him to Everyone:
brig this to clinical supervision as a goal to start
15:25:47 From Michele Orr she/her – Australia to Everyone:
OOOOh stealing Taylor’s idea
15:25:48 From Dominik Godat to Everyone:
Sit together with Elfie next week
15:25:52 From Elfie Czerny to Everyone:
getting material out that we started to work on already
15:25:54 From Christopher Richmond to Everyone:
Reading more SF journal articles and writing out study ideas
15:26:18 From Heather Fiske (she/her) to Everyone:
Get out my notes on unfinished articles
15:26:30 From Andreea Żak to Everyone:
organize time to write more
15:26:37 From Cynthia Franklin to Everyone:
Keep writing…
15:26:43 From Keiko Yoneyama-Sims to Everyone:
Love that scaling!
15:26:52 From Keiko Yoneyama-Sims to Everyone:
Love that “Writing time” idea.
15:26:56 From Brigitte Lavoie to Everyone:
Get an unicorn
15:27:07 From Michele Orr she/her – Australia to Everyone:
Ask people here to tap me on the shoulder about what my next step will be
15:27:09 From Taylor Yates she/her to Everyone:
Be brave
15:27:14 From Sue Lickorish to Everyone:
to set an intention to get brave about this 😀
15:27:17 From Philippe Koffi to Everyone:
find exemples of research forms
15:27:27 From Elfie Czerny to Everyone:
in Austria/Switzerland we conduct Research.Meetings where we discuss SF research – in these meetings spreading the idea of the importance of writing
15:27:31 From Aurie Contosta to Everyone:
Partnering with other practitioners
15:27:54 From Karla González to Everyone:
scheduling time to write
15:28:22 From Taylor Yates she/her to Everyone:
SF writing retreat
15:28:30 From Centrum Terapii CTK to Everyone:
find notes about the article I wished to send to Journal time ago
15:28:48 From Elfie Czerny to Everyone:
SF writing retreat – you can do that online 🙂
15:29:06 From Christopher Richmond to Everyone:
15:29:13 From Jay E. Valusek to Everyone:
Suggest to the SFBTA board that we start an SF practitioner/researcher BLOG on the website
15:29:21 From Elfie Czerny to Everyone:
love it
15:30:06 From Elfie Czerny to Everyone:
Matt, I really LOVE your presentation! Thank you!
15:30:29 From Sara Jordan to Matthew L. Schwartz (Buffalo, NY; He/Him/His)(Direct Message):
SUCH a wonderful presentation!!! VERY needed for research day
15:30:43 From Michele Orr she/her – Australia to Everyone:
Awesome presentation Matt
15:30:43 From Katalin Hankovszky to Everyone:
Haha, 2016 we made an SF Research Camp… maybe this would be a good idea to re-try
15:30:44 From Karla González to Everyone:
Matt, you are a rock star!
15:30:53 From Sue Lickorish to Everyone:
very thought-provoking and encouraging, thanks Matt
15:31:16 From Centrum Terapii CTK to Everyone:
Where did you get such a brilliant idea for such an inspiring presentation?
15:31:35 From Dominik Godat to Everyone:
Here is the Virtual Background for Matt’s presentation 🙂
15:32:08 From Heather Fiske (she/her) to Everyone:
Wonderful presentation, Mattl
15:32:24 From Heather Fiske (she/her) to Everyone:
Look forward to the article
15:32:28 From Aurie Contosta to Everyone:
I love it Dominik!!!
15:32:52 From Heather Fiske (she/her) to Everyone:
LOL Dominik!
15:33:09 From Jay E. Valusek to Everyone:
Another reason practice lags research by 17 years, in the medical field, is that most practitioners base most of their work on what they learned in school, and the schools themselves often run on tradition vs research and/or evidence
15:33:21 From Sue Lickorish to Everyone:
has anyone done research with ADHD brains…. dare I even ask about this here?
15:34:14 From Karla González to Everyone:
Sue we are going to have some time to network in a few minutes!!
15:34:16 From Sue Lickorish to Everyone:
if I could whip my ADHD brain into shape, I’d find my microscope……..
15:36:32 From Cynthia Franklin to Everyone:
Reading about an evidence based practice does not mean someone can do it. Need different and affordable ways to disseminate through training, supervision, and consultation approaches to speed it up.
15:37:33 From Heather Fiske (she/her) to Everyone:
Part of that blog that Jay recommended could be informing about new findings
15:38:33 From Jay E. Valusek to Everyone:
Where do we (SF folks) offer the sort of research findings that you can find on, say, the British Psychological Society Digest? A task for the Journal? Or SFBTA website? I’d love to get involved in that!
15:39:56 From Elfie Czerny to Everyone:
I would love to see you involved in that, Jay!
15:40:25 From Heather Fiske (she/her) to Everyone:
Go Jay!
15:40:55 From Brigitte Lavoie to Everyone:
We need for the information to be palatable
15:41:09 From Christopher Richmond to Everyone:
Providing more support (financial and otherwise) to Ph.D. and MA students conducting SF research
15:41:33 From Keiko Yoneyama-Sims to Everyone:
workshops? seminar based on the research paper, like book club?
15:41:39 From Jay E. Valusek to Everyone:
Centralize the research and summarize it regularly where everyone knows where to look – worldwide
15:41:49 From Dominik Godat to Everyone:
Regular research meetings
15:42:11 From Andreea Żak to Everyone:
Research articles should be made available to trainers in a free or low-cost way. This way the research is send directly up-to-date during the training of new practitioners
15:42:11 From Elfie Czerny to Everyone:
Online and presence format that invite a regular exchange
15:42:29 From Cynthia Franklin to Everyone:
What we are doing is open access and summarizing studies is a small step we are already doing it. Open access. Blast it into social media. Practice updates like is being discussed. Make it visual and quick access.
15:42:46 From Michele Orr she/her – Australia to Everyone:
Keep talking, doing more of what’s working, supervising.
15:42:58 From Jay E. Valusek to Everyone:
A lot of researchers offer their own papers on ResearchGate, even when the journals are not open.
15:42:59 From Taylor Yates she/her to Everyone:
Brigitte is so lovely
15:43:11 From MaríaAmelia Barrera to Everyone:
I agree regular research meetings
15:43:15 From Elfie Czerny to Everyone:
Plus also keep doing the excellent work the research committee is doing in continuing the work that Alisdair McDonalds started with the research list
15:43:43 From Heather Fiske (she/her) to Everyone:
Lovely idea! Thanks Brigitte
15:43:43 From Dominik Godat to Everyone:
15:44:00 From Pamela King to Everyone:
As a 25 year practitioner I don’t feel competent to do research. I would love to partner with a researcher
15:44:01 From Jay E. Valusek to Everyone:
Matt: wonderful stuff!
15:44:14 From Michele Orr she/her – Australia to Everyone:
Loved this – thanks Matt. Thanks everyone
15:44:14 From Brigitte Lavoie to Everyone:
Really good food for thoughts
15:44:14 From Dominik Godat to Everyone:
Thank you!!
15:44:16 From Keiko Yoneyama-Sims to Everyone:
Thank you for presenting Matt!
15:44:17 From TVCC – Kim Benincasa (she/her) to Everyone:
Thank you so much for this presentation. You have me thinking….
15:44:17 From Elfie Czerny to Everyone:
Thank you Matt!
15:44:19 From Centrum Terapii CTK to Everyone:
Matthew, I have a comment rather than a question. I want to thank you for what you said about the value of writing about individual cases sudiers and not just statistical studies.in my mind i have two barriers: i am not a researcher nor am i anglophone. what you said makes a difference.
15:44:20 From Sara Jordan to Everyone:
Thank you SO much!!!
15:44:30 From Cynthia Franklin to Everyone:
Thanks Matthew!
15:44:36 From MaríaAmelia Barrera to Everyone:
Thank you!!!
15:44:38 From Heather Fiske (she/her) to Everyone:
So excellent Matt
15:45:08 From Matthew L. Schwartz (Buffalo, NY; He/Him/His) to Everyone:
Where can I get that unicorn backround??
15:46:04 From Andreea Żak to Everyone:
Here is SF research list made by the EBTA as a continuation of Alasdair MacDonald:http://u0154874.cp.regruhosting.ru/evaluationlist/
15:46:28 From Elfie Czerny to Everyone:
Wonderful! Thank you for sharing that, Andreea!
15:46:56 From Keiko Yoneyama-Sims to Everyone:
I learn more about different application of SF. get some connection. Seeing some friends.
15:47:44 From Matthew L. Schwartz (Buffalo, NY; He/Him/His) to Everyone:
PAAAAM!!!! 🙂
15:48:17 From Michele Orr she/her – Australia to Everyone:
This has filled my heart and head
15:48:18 From Andreea Żak to Everyone:
You can access the SF Research list directly from the EBTA site here, at the end of the page: https://www.ebta.eu/taskgroups/
15:48:19 From Shaema Imam to Everyone:
As a master’s student I am star-struck to see so many writers of the journal articles I read all in one spot :-)! You all seem really kind and welcoming! It is inspiring!
15:49:31 From Andreea Żak to Everyone:
https://www.ebta.eu/taskgroups/ – on the sf research taskgroup
15:49:32 From Matthew L. Schwartz (Buffalo, NY; He/Him/His) to Everyone:
Those ORS/SRS scales are great
15:50:12 From Matthew L. Schwartz (Buffalo, NY; He/Him/His) to Everyone:
15:50:17 From Matthew L. Schwartz (Buffalo, NY; He/Him/His) to Everyone:
N=YOU is Also okay!
15:50:46 From Pamela King to Everyone:
That is inspiring Jay, Thanks!
15:50:57 From Michele Orr she/her – Australia to Everyone:
Yeah Jay !
15:51:20 From Matthew L. Schwartz (Buffalo, NY; He/Him/His) to Everyone:
There are so many levels of research, RCT is great, but there’s so much more 🙂 Awesome work Jay!
15:51:34 From Elfie Czerny to Everyone:
Yes, so inspiring what you say!
15:52:33 From Sue Lickorish to Everyone:
is there some basic format that we amateurs could use as a template, even for our N=1 work?
15:53:18 From Elfie Czerny to Everyone:
I love that question, Sue!
15:53:29 From Matthew L. Schwartz (Buffalo, NY; He/Him/His) to Everyone:
Excellent question – and I bet the journal could make one
15:53:31 From Matthew L. Schwartz (Buffalo, NY; He/Him/His) to Everyone:
15:54:37 From Dominik Godat to Everyone:
Here you’ll find their email addresses: https://www.sfbta.org/research-committee
15:55:27 From Keiko Yoneyama-Sims to Everyone:
It is a mystery and rocket science to me…. so the template and guide will be helpful to feel less overwhelmed.
15:55:40 From Matthew L. Schwartz (Buffalo, NY; He/Him/His) to Everyone:
Keiko we can work together!
15:55:42 From Matthew L. Schwartz (Buffalo, NY; He/Him/His) to Everyone:
15:55:50 From Taylor Yates she/her to Everyone:
A case study template or a practice note template is a great idea!
15:55:52 From Heather Fiske (she/her) to Everyone:
Could be a regular lunch meeting at the conference—Come along and talk to some researchers
15:56:01 From Matthew L. Schwartz (Buffalo, NY; He/Him/His) to Everyone:
15:56:20 From Matthew L. Schwartz (Buffalo, NY; He/Him/His) to Everyone:
ignorance and “dumb questions” is the start of all research
15:56:21 From Keiko Yoneyama-Sims to Everyone:
Love Heather’s idea!!!
15:56:26 From Elfie Czerny to Everyone:
I like this idea Heather… and wonder if this could be also a thing for like an online lunch meeting or so
15:56:30 From Dominik Godat to Everyone:
SFBTA Research Committee: https://www.sfbta.org/research-committee
15:56:34 From Matthew L. Schwartz (Buffalo, NY; He/Him/His) to Everyone:
Yes Elfie!
15:56:36 From Keiko Yoneyama-Sims to Everyone:
Matt we need to connect
15:56:48 From Matthew L. Schwartz (Buffalo, NY; He/Him/His) to Everyone:
I would love a quarterly (or monthly) brief meetup
15:56:51 From Matthew L. Schwartz (Buffalo, NY; He/Him/His) to Everyone:
Keiko YES 🙂
15:56:52 From Pamela King to Everyone:
Heather, great idea, could even be a breakout tomorrow.
15:58:10 From Mo Yee Lee to Everyone:
Heather, I really like your idea, plus we can have lunch together:)
15:58:12 From Julie Dubuc to Everyone:
I’m far from being a searcher. This afternoon made me appreciate in a very high way the importance of the researches in the SFBT ecosystem. Thank your very much.
15:58:12 From Dominik Godat to Everyone:
Yes, that would be a wonderful open space session tomorrow
15:58:47 From Taylor Yates she/her to Everyone:
What if we had a special journal issue dedicated to practitioner research/articles?
15:59:21 From Pamela King to Everyone:
Taylor, love that idea.
15:59:23 From Sara Jordan to Everyone:
Yes, we can have a planned special section of an issue dedicated to this
15:59:32 From Elfie Czerny to Everyone:
15:59:35 From Pamela King to Everyone:
Yes Sara
15:59:36 From Sara Jordan to Everyone:
Taylor, email me if you would like to head that up
15:59:56 From Taylor Yates she/her to Everyone:
Oh I have given. Myself work! Sure!