Daily Tweet Digest
- Daily Tweet Digest https://t.co/UzYdJlaiJw 00:29:42, 2017-07-11
- Neurological/Rheumatological Fuckery https://t.co/00mFo4n9l6 05:17:32, 2017-07-11
- RT @prattprattpratt: The Fonz has never looked cooler! Great fish! Now that jurassic is wrapped you can cash me ousside (fishin) https://t.… 06:46:32, 2017-07-11
- @mattkayd @ManyVids #omg #YasPlease #NotThatIdEverStealFromTheLockerroom #TotallyStoleFromTheLockerroom #ThisIsSafer #KeyholderServiceNext? in reply to mattkayd 07:00:55, 2017-07-11
- RT @NJRUA: https://t.co/2jquwLJ6r8 07:01:48, 2017-07-11
- RT @sarahkendzior: Wait…is he admitting he gave our country away? https://t.co/rapG3pk1es 07:02:24, 2017-07-11
- RT @devolve: https://t.co/7Q4kuvOLxq 07:02:45, 2017-07-11
- @mattkayd #WorldsMostCuddleableChest #LookHowComfyYouLook 🙂 in reply to mattkayd 07:25:41, 2017-07-11
- RT @katie_martin_fx: Sure. https://t.co/ybbKdhJFsM 07:26:00, 2017-07-11
- @MasterTomTheDom Real subs, they just need education (it's the non-con. part that's not okay). Usually done to push… https://t.co/FjRznfPzWF in reply to MasterTomTheDom 07:29:19, 2017-07-11
- Legs are barely working. Jaw is also barely working. Maybe Neurologist visit tomorrow… 07:31:03, 2017-07-11
- RT @RedCarpetRachel: So you admit you went. It is ILLEGAL to get oppo research from a foreign country. You committed treason. https://t.co/… 13:12:03, 2017-07-11
- Gave blood to the vampires, picked up mail, shot over resume to a few places, dealt w/ clinical internship for Fall & Spring Sem. Naptime 😴 17:25:27, 2017-07-11
- @laurabean715 Wait – where are you working now? in reply to laurabean715 17:26:19, 2017-07-11
- @11DanTheMan11 Get. In. Line. https://t.co/RykEpOqfEe in reply to 11DanTheMan11 17:28:08, 2017-07-11
- @laurabean715 LOL in reply to laurabean715 17:31:51, 2017-07-11
- RT @matthewamiller: The fact that Kushner will show up at the WH w/ his job & security clearance intact tomorrow given what we know is an u… 20:14:15, 2017-07-11
- RT @matthewjdowd: Lets be clear, the only reason so far there has been any transparency and accountability by WH is because of free press. 20:16:08, 2017-07-11
- @enigmaticpapi Hey 🙂 in reply to enigmaticpapi 22:16:40, 2017-07-11
- RT @amys_truck: Food truck Tuesday 5-8 @larkinsquare check out @flyingbison & @BuffaloDistill too! See you soon! @WutsUpBuffalo @WGOINBuffa… 22:17:42, 2017-07-11