Neurological/Rheumatological Fuckery
So quick medical update: I’m in a flareup again (like, not quite acute…but reaaaaaaaly close…like if acute is a 10, I’m at a 9.7). Walking is exceedingly difficult, muscle/pain weakness are making me ambulate like a toddler (but I have Zappy the Wonder Walker, for which I’m extraordinarily grateful).
My PCP & Neurologist both think there’s more to the diagnosis than Fibromyalgia, so my Neurologist is writing a letter to the Mayo asking for another consultation when I go back there in August for the Fibromyalgia Clinic.
However, thanks to adaptive technology (my Rollator Zappy, and voice-to-text software) I am still a happy (if uncomfortable) camper. Added bonus though: when orientation tour groups gawk, you get to tell them that you’re part of an anti-aging study being conducted on campus, and that things are going great, they just haven’t figured out the walking part yet.