Daily Tweet Digest
- Daily Tweet Digest https://t.co/F7ELx9tAwF 00:28:53, 2017-07-10
- @mattkayd #DED #DatStubbleDoe #DemPitsToo #MakingGayBoysFaint #AlphaAF… https://t.co/xv6IdDpTvj in reply to mattkayd 04:58:30, 2017-07-10
- @laurabean715 Kick. Him. In. The. Nuts. in reply to laurabean715 04:59:19, 2017-07-10
- RT @danwlin: TRUMP: Did you interfere?
T: Time to move forwardTRUMP: Were you born in US?
T: This requires five year… 05:00:05, 2017-07-10 - RT @YerrikTRB: [beta testing West of Loathing like] @puzzletheory @asym https://t.co/TySEaR3UgA 05:01:17, 2017-07-10
- RT @VicenteFoxQue: .@realDonaldTrump a G20 summit isn't a "bring your child to work and let her attend high level meetings" day. 11:26:54, 2017-07-10
- RT @AmandaOcasio1: **PULLED FROM THE FACEBOOKS** I wish Andy Borowitz would return to the twitters…because #THIS https://t.co/XqDMc95Ywk 11:27:43, 2017-07-10
- @BrianWithCheese @meakoopa "…and has requested to download your 3D image file into the holodeck…don't know what *THAT'S* about…" in reply to BrianWithCheese 11:29:49, 2017-07-10
- @SAKAfxkhrd …they don't live under the sea… in reply to SAKAfxkhrd 11:30:46, 2017-07-10
- @meakoopa Also she didn't have her coffee yet #ICanRelate #IWouldDoTheSame #CoffeeOrSelfDestruct in reply to meakoopa 11:32:55, 2017-07-10
- @AmandaOcasio1 Yeah – but they dicked over most of the artists. in reply to AmandaOcasio1 15:18:56, 2017-07-10
- @AmandaOcasio1 https://t.co/rXRBSlZK6c in reply to nomadmatan 15:19:34, 2017-07-10
- Getting ready to start the day and can barely walk #OkayBodySoItsGunnaBeOneOfThoseDaysThen… 15:27:41, 2017-07-10
- RT @DavidLesch: #Asian discrimination. #Racism. Strong article. https://t.co/WvumarMr4c 15:30:47, 2017-07-10
- RT @kylegriffin1: Per pool, the presidential motorcade has departed the White House for an unknown destination. Noticed USSS agents in casu… 15:31:09, 2017-07-10
- The real struggle, of course, is getting pants on #DisabilityLife 15:32:02, 2017-07-10
- @11DanTheMan11 Well pants in general. I think necessity will mean I'm wearing gym shorts today. in reply to 11DanTheMan11 15:42:29, 2017-07-10
- Okay had therapy. Now waiting for my drink at sbux, then heading to the dept. lounge to write (finish, please dear… https://t.co/lElGtSvO2h 20:11:14, 2017-07-10
- My faithful totebag that Carina got me for my birthday when I visited Vienna! Keeping me company… https://t.co/1My8zHYXni 22:07:11, 2017-07-10