Daily Tweet Digest
- Daily Tweet Digest https://t.co/4BOnmXgi5Y 00:28:47, 2017-07-07
- RT @fakedansavage: There was no vote, @Variety. The LGBT community didn't call a meeting and unanimously pass a resolution. https://t.co/iU… 02:33:42, 2017-07-07
- @Sangrebloom @fakedansavage @Variety Don't act like you didn't get the fridge magnet with this years meeting dates #AlsoHaveAnEvite in reply to Sangrebloom 02:34:33, 2017-07-07
- RT @ScottyRad: @fakedansavage @Variety As a full-time Gay, I promise you I don’t care that Garfield said this. 02:34:51, 2017-07-07
- @ScottyRad @fakedansavage @Variety Also a full time gay, also don't care. in reply to ScottyRad 02:35:13, 2017-07-07
- RT @LA_Denizen: @fakedansavage @Variety I callled for one, no one showed up. 02:36:01, 2017-07-07
- @LA_Denizen @fakedansavage @Variety To be fair you called for it on Sunday #ThatsWhenWeHaveBrunch #CantMimosaAndVote in reply to LA_Denizen 02:36:31, 2017-07-07
- @11DanTheMan11 That's a decision you'll have to make, but it has its consequences (good, bad, and neutral) in reply to 11DanTheMan11 02:37:43, 2017-07-07
- RT @TheRock: I attended multiple high schools in 4yrs. Hawaii, Nashville and Pennsylvania. Everyone thought I was an undercover narc. True… 02:38:37, 2017-07-07
- @Sangrebloom @fakedansavage @Variety We spend a whopping .50cents a magnet, and this is the thanks we get, relegate… https://t.co/ppc1ox7hGC in reply to Sangrebloom 02:54:17, 2017-07-07
- @LA_Denizen @fakedansavage @Variety We forgive you #TheBrunchCrowdIsaJudgeyYetForgiveyCrowd in reply to LA_Denizen 02:54:56, 2017-07-07
- RT @VancityReynolds: We should photoshop me over his yearbook picture next. #DontMessWithGabi https://t.co/o0qFBXvSNi 05:07:31, 2017-07-07
- RT @derekboltxxx: As @billmaher said "Rick Perry: not quite as smart as a starfish". Also "evangelical Texas shitkicker with limited intell… 13:08:22, 2017-07-07
- (Not Quite) Back to Square One https://t.co/OMza8iFR9V 14:09:15, 2017-07-07
- RT @meakoopa: how many times do Americans have to "accidentally" share Nazi memes before we wake up to them just being fucking Nazis 21:58:42, 2017-07-07