Daily Tweet Digest
- Daily Tweet Digest https://t.co/2QojKcVu1t 00:30:11, 2017-07-06
- @AmandaOcasio1 I mean, yeah, I make wicked good pasta
but I mean it's not really something most folks tweet about, but okay… in reply to AmandaOcasio1 02:10:27, 2017-07-06
- @SAKAfxkhrd @StarTrek is always the answer in reply to SAKAfxkhrd 02:11:07, 2017-07-06
- RT @Wokieleaksalt: People paid to write about politics can't comprehend that people with other jobs might not want their beliefs known to t… 02:11:58, 2017-07-06
- @AmandaOcasio1 Go where you need to go! Unless it's to a Mexican store without me, @Imjustajew, because there are o… https://t.co/89zVPfIV1H in reply to AmandaOcasio1 02:15:08, 2017-07-06
- @AmandaOcasio1 @Imjustajew No, no, it's fine. I'll deal with my inauthentic storebrand whatever… in reply to nomadmatan 02:16:03, 2017-07-06
- @AmandaOcasio1 @Imjustajew *blinks* in reply to AmandaOcasio1 02:16:46, 2017-07-06
- @AmandaOcasio1 @Imjustajew Well the easiest way is to ask, but I'm a fat vegetarian so EVERYTHING just no meat. So… https://t.co/F8GFwexXjB in reply to AmandaOcasio1 02:17:55, 2017-07-06
- RT @AmandaOcasio1: @nomadmatan @Imjustajew The Jewish guilt! I AM impressed
02:18:04, 2017-07-06
- @Imjustajew @AmandaOcasio1 Your shields are no match for my Jewish Photon Torpedos. in reply to Imjustajew 02:18:27, 2017-07-06
- @Imjustajew @AmandaOcasio1 Oh, well excuse me: fucking. everything. because. I. am. a. fat. kid. The only exception… https://t.co/hOjiTcevAD in reply to Imjustajew 02:19:44, 2017-07-06
- @Imjustajew @AmandaOcasio1 Data can be assimilated! The borg queen had the hots for his motherboard. in reply to Imjustajew 02:22:04, 2017-07-06
- @SAKAfxkhrd I have a funny army story about that, BTW. in reply to SAKAfxkhrd 02:22:58, 2017-07-06
- @AmandaOcasio1 @Imjustajew Don't worry. I'm sure as his wife you come in at least fifth or sixth… in reply to AmandaOcasio1 02:23:54, 2017-07-06
- @Imjustajew @AmandaOcasio1 And a very nice attempt at a save by @Imjustajew. 9.5, 9, 8.3, 5 from Russia, 8 in reply to Imjustajew 02:25:16, 2017-07-06
- @SAKAfxkhrd Okay so in the IDF I had a friend who didn't always believe me about my American culture or growing up in the states. in reply to SAKAfxkhrd 02:26:03, 2017-07-06
- @SAKAfxkhrd So one weekI be we're having an army buddy sleep over at her house and watching Real Housewives. in reply to nomadmatan 02:26:46, 2017-07-06
- @SAKAfxkhrd Weeks earlier having gotten a very early phone call I was like "okay, so where I grew up you never call… https://t.co/nYBXlaBI30 in reply to nomadmatan 02:28:19, 2017-07-06
- @SAKAfxkhrd There was, suffice it to say, a hefty amount of doubt, bordering on calling me a bullshitter. in reply to nomadmatan 02:28:53, 2017-07-06
- @SAKAfxkhrd So we decide to watch Desperate Housewives and have a marathon. in reply to nomadmatan 02:29:21, 2017-07-06
- @SAKAfxkhrd In one episode, I think it was Bree was staring at a wall clock and my friend was like "WTF is she doin… https://t.co/MofboxHDFN in reply to nomadmatan 02:30:52, 2017-07-06
- @SAKAfxkhrd And LO AND BEHOLD as soon as the clock struck 9, Bree picked up the phone and dialed in reply to nomadmatan 02:31:21, 2017-07-06
- @SAKAfxkhrd And I was like "BECAUSE YOU DON'T CALL BERORE 9AM!" #Vindicated #IHadCakeToCelebrate #AlsoBecauseImAFatKid in reply to nomadmatan 02:32:19, 2017-07-06
- @AmandaOcasio1 @Imjustajew Love you too xoxo
in reply to AmandaOcasio1 02:32:49, 2017-07-06
- @SAKAfxkhrd Not real housewives. Desperate Housewives. Man I need coffee. Or covfefe… in reply to nomadmatan 02:35:44, 2017-07-06
- @Imjustajew @AmandaOcasio1 Why not both? https://t.co/5mKl0Orex8 in reply to Imjustajew 02:37:11, 2017-07-06
- Back on the Wagon https://t.co/Jhmz1TpnUM https://t.co/3JzIRLG8sT 05:27:27, 2017-07-06
- RT @brianklaas: A few days after Trump posted the violent CNN meme and Neo-Nazis are already threatening to hunt down the children of CNN j… 18:51:25, 2017-07-06
- RT @waltshaub: https://t.co/x9TsOKABZ7 18:53:00, 2017-07-06