Daily Tweet Digest
- Daily Tweet Digest https://t.co/cYySNTff03 00:29:44, 2017-07-05
- OMFG YOU GUYS @asym is releasing a new game! I *may* lose my shit *flaps hands up and down* omg omg omg omg omg omg https://t.co/fAw95LnTHb 04:15:56, 2017-07-05
- Currently Playing: #KingdomOfLoathing #KoL…also eating #snacks…because my brain is done for the day. 04:28:12, 2017-07-05
- RT @NPR: it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, 12:14:01, 2017-07-05
- RT @SethAMandel: No, you got me. I gave Shakespeare a pass. https://t.co/ndnT5sB5x0 13:19:43, 2017-07-05
- Do it! @asym is working on a new game and it can't get here soon enough! https://t.co/Vi46HaxdJF 17:51:02, 2017-07-05
- Check out my Triumph at https://t.co/VJqaNlrCPe #PlanetOfTriumphs #Sweepstakes 19:53:39, 2017-07-05
- I'm feeling athletic. PT this morning, then the gym, and soon Weight Watchers https://t.co/n3aAp4Zpzj #imood 20:15:04, 2017-07-05
- For Science! https://t.co/k4P2VlMhvC 21:38:42, 2017-07-05
- RT @asym: We're recording a new KoL podcast tonight! Got West of Loathing questions? Other questions? Comments? Ask 'em! https://t.co/o… 22:28:08, 2017-07-05