So it’s not so much that I don’t have superpowers anymore….
…it’s just that those superpowers are morphing, and changing into something different, something slower, perhaps something more empathic, and narrowly defined.
Having gone from sleeping 3 hours (maybe) a night and infinite energy…to Fibromyalgia, and no energy, and pain, and trouble ambulating, and needing to sleep all the time, and feeling fatigued all the time, and having Fibrofog (instead of constantly being clear headed)…it’s very much like loosing a super power…that said, for some things there’s coping skills (like writing things down, keeping a very well detailed calendar, keeping the house neat and organized so I don’t need to spend energy on it, and keeping my bag organized so I always know where things are instead of having to try and find them, etc.)
But with that said, It’s frustrating, it’s aggravating, sometimes it’s maddening. It causes me to have to re-arrange (cognitively) all of my previously understood abilities…and even things like planning to read chapters for class takes more time, and can be thrown off by the whims and flotsam and jetsam of my neurology.
I am coping, I am getting through…but I am also very new to this new piece of my self mosaic, and it is going to take quite sometime to integrate it into my idea of self.