Sleep all day, work some of the night
So I slept all day (with minor breaks to get up and use the facilities, shove food in my mouth, take pills, and make a Skype call). I could easily go back to bed now. This isn’t fibro fatigue though, I don’t think. I am relatively sure this is just my usual reaction to antibiotics which for some reason usually make me tired. But if this somehow handles the IBS it’s worth it.
Anyway, going to do dishes, finish (I hope unpacking and organizing/cleaning the lady of my home office), do the one grad school assignment that has to get done this weekend (an introduction/about myself post) so I can watch the lectures on for addictions and the family tomorrow, so I can greet Monday mostly non-grumpy like.
Part of my long term/dealing with this shit strategy is super vigilance on keeping my house clean and organized, because if it’s done constantly as I go, and it’s never a thing I have to do as one big chore, that’s just one more spoon I get to save for something else.
From a mobility standpoint of course it makes things easier too. This isn’t to say the place had been a wreck, we’ve just been in the throes of unpacking for the past several months and now it *has* to get done.