Quick Update Before Passover
Wow! What a whirlwind of an academic year it’s been! My last post was in October 2016, and here we are in April 2017 getting ready to wrap up our Field Education experience!
I’m in the process of creating an end of Field portfolio to share with everyone, in the hopes that you can get a real sense of what the field experience has been like. Right now it’s very much a work in progress, but it’s my hope to have it done by the end of the week.
Additionally, I really am trying to get back into regular blogging! It’s been a busy and meaningful semester (which is incredible), it just means that it’s been a bit difficult to find time to sit down and write.
Fortunately, my home office is finally setup after November’s move, so I think that will help a great deal!
Anyway, wishing everyone a meaningful Passover! Time to finish a reflection piece, grab some lunch, and prepare for class!
#Journey #MSW #UBSSW #FieldPlacement #UB