My tweets
- Sun, 13:50:
- Sun, 14:53:
- Sun, 23:31: Every #WeightWatchers meeting ever #seriouslythoughicantwaitformymeeting
- Sun, 23:33: #truth
- Mon, 02:08: RT @chickpeas_tuna: It’s sad that 24 hours after the #Zimmerman verdict, the trending hashtag in the US is #TalkAboutYourCrush
- Mon, 02:10: RT @iMikosnyc: According to this XHose ad millions of Americans are killed each year by common garden hoses. Who knew? #PrayForVictimsOfGarâ¦
- Mon, 02:12: RT @chickpeas_tuna: About my last tweet, I stand corrected. #Zimmerman and #TrayvonMartin are now trending.
- Mon, 09:35: RT @BloombergView: Would a safer financial system be bad for the economy?
- Mon, 09:37: Okay stomach, we need to come to an understanding. It’s Monday, I have payroll to run #porcelainthroneproblems #nosuchthingasTMI