My tweets
- Sat, 13:46: RT @madhatrk: @nomadmatan @SewBeautifulMag @carolstagsale @TheSewingStudio So bummed you can’t make it this weekend. Lesson-a-thon in Augusâ¦
- Sat, 16:31: So @GrubHub is coming by. Guess Iâll just sit in front of the mirror and work this Tim Taylor thing I do. Yeah?
- Sat, 20:59: RT @cpastartup: 4 Reasons Why Startups Need Realistic Financial Forecasts –
- Sat, 21:00: RT @UOPX: 11 questions you should ask employers before accepting a #job via @careerbuilder #LetsGetToWork
- Sat, 23:26: I earned 11319 points (#286020) and 34 results (#25098) by donating over 18 days (#384514) of cpu time to WCG #wcgrid