My tweets
- Mon, 18:01: RT @theTonyGee: Stop looking at row numbers in first class. That’s not where you are sitting.
- Mon, 18:09: RT @RyJamesGoodman: I need a model for tomorrow @ 3:00
- Mon, 18:11: RT @iMikosnyc: Hi I’m Mikos. You might know me from security footage such as Macy’s Fur Coat Beat Down & Dude Taking Pics Of Old Lady Falleâ¦
- Mon, 18:22: RT @LIRRScoop: Due to a disabled train in one of the East River tunnels, westbound service between Jamaica and Penn Station is temporarily â¦
- Mon, 20:41: Drinks! (@ Industry Bar w/ 2 others)
- Mon, 22:48: I’m so drunk I slipped into an Irish accent. The bartender asked where I’m from. I told him Israel #atleastmylongislandaccentisunderwraps
- Mon, 23:28: Sorry #gurl