My tweets
- Sun, 12:03: Finishing my second cup of coffee while getting the layout setup for my paper. Soon to be followed by unloading the dishwasher & writing 🙂
- Sun, 12:26: RT @NYCPride: 2 weeks from today 1.7 million will be celebrating who we are, where we’ve come from, and where we are headed as the LGBT comâ¦
- Sun, 12:32: RT @AvoidComments: Nobody on their deathbed ever said, “I wish I had spent more time reading internet comments.”
- Sun, 12:36: Looking forward to our Father’s Day get together in a few hours with my future in laws 🙂
- Sun, 15:36: #Research for my paper is substantially complete! Now time for some #homeoffice cleaning & organization before #fathersday festivities 🙂
- Sun, 15:37: RT @WSJ: “You can’t sacrifice your health for the sake of business. It’s not worth it.” #FathersDay lessons from founders:â¦
- Sun, 16:45: Celebrating Father’s Day! Also, 24hr and free wifi! My new study spot! (@ Majestic Diner)
- Sun, 17:59: RT @hashtagsutton: I have an irrational fear of casting a line out and hooking my ass. Adding alcohol to fishing is probably a great idea.
- Sun, 18:07: RT @TheSewingStudio: Pop Quiz A: Charles Worth, is considered the Father of Haute Couture. Check out our FB page for more info! #sewingsundâ¦
- Sun, 19:17: With Jon, enjoying the local culture. (@ Cardinali Bakery)
- Sun, 23:02: That moment when you find peer reviewed research comparing the US to the Czech Republic within the framework of their attitudes on business!
- Sun, 23:04: RT @UndercoverRec: 10 Recruitment Phrases You May Be Familiar With
- Sun, 23:07: Okay, I’m going to let Dilbert the animated series play in the background while I’m writing this #seemsfitting
- Mon, 02:46: RT @DannyZuker: .@realDonaldTrump I’m def too stupid to see how manufacturing your shitty clothes in China while you bloviate about them isâ¦
- Mon, 02:47: RT @DannyZuker: .@realDonaldTrump Since you’re unable to manufacture decent comebacks maybe you could outsource the job to China. #LOL #Truâ¦
- Mon, 02:47: RT @DannyZuker: .@realDonaldTrump You’ve always been tough on China, sir. Particularly the children who make your shitty clothes. http://t.â¦
- Mon, 04:41: Waiting for my paper to finish going through the plagiarism checker, so I can submit it and go to bed #needsleep #gradschoolproblems
- Mon, 04:59: Aaaaand Sleep!
- Mon, 09:56: As if I weren’t already a huge @JetBlue #trueblue fanboy: points no longer have any kind of expiration date #andneitherdoesmylove!!! <3
- Mon, 10:04: RT @TheSewingStudio: Modern fashion is often inspired by vintage faves. Here’s a reference to help you Master Iconic looks from the past htâ¦