My tweets
- Fri, 17:50: RT @madhatrk: Students are learning so many things during private lessons! They are draping, making skirts, dresses, trousers… http://t.câ¦
- Fri, 17:50: RT @TheSewingStudio: Lean how to make money from your craft on sites like Etsy from TSSNY’s Kimberli (@madhatrk) in next week’s #BurdaWebinâ¦
- Sat, 09:51: Getting ready to leave for the train – looking forward to a fun day with @UncorruptedCub in the city 🙂
- Sat, 10:41: Heading into the city 🙂 (@ LIRR – Hicksville Station – @lirrdeals4u)
- Sat, 10:47: RT @Jerusalem_Post: 1st France gay married couple honeymoons in Tel Aviv
- Sat, 11:37: I’m at New York Penn Station (New York, NY) w/ 126 others
- Sat, 11:38: Unlocked the “The New Yorker’s About Town” badge!