My tweets
- Sat, 16:57: Adorkable Yehoshua Josh Friedlander
- Sat, 17:28: I want to marry a Bajoran dude #gaygeekproblems #stillwaitingforfirstcontact
- Sat, 23:26: I earned 11319 points (#284760) and 34 results (#24889) by donating over 18 days (#383221) of cpu time to WCG #wcgrid
- Sun, 00:02: RT @RicardoMarano: #HexHector is throwing it down fiercely tonight!!! Work!!!!!
- Sun, 08:01: RT @sairzey: #Quilting with a hangover gives you wonky lines. Fact.
- Sun, 09:10: On our way to the @TheSewingStudio for our sewing lessons with the one and only @madhatrk – can’t wait!! #DIY #NYC
- Sun, 11:12: Better than therapy @TheSewingStudio (@ The Sewing Studio New York)