My tweets
- Thu, 15:24: #2014 planning #israel #animenorth #yaoinorth #dragoncon
- Thu, 16:07:
- Thu, 17:02: RT @gryvon: RT @AvoidComments: The next time you’re thinking of reading the comments, do a Google image search for “fluffy puppies” instead.
- Thu, 17:03: RT @DritzSewing: Sewing Tutorial: How to Sew Yo-yos and Cover Buttons plus iPad case instructions #sewing #DIY
- Thu, 20:32: RT @DolliahMartique: How awesome is @levarburton ‘s avatar for the @NOh8Campaign?!? #ReadingRainbow
- Thu, 22:06: Okay, time to make a cup of coffee and finish readings. At least the paper due this week has a 1,400 word limit #gradstudentproblems
- Thu, 22:24: Heck yes for Gay Pirate Marriage!
- Fri, 00:15: I’m adding this to my “after grad school” list.
- Fri, 02:15: 1. I love Patrick Stewart 2. I’m fairly certain that this summer I’m going totally bald…I think I can rock it.