My tweets
- Sat, 19:08: RT @SouthPark: #Santa, reindeer and electroshock to the balls – it’s all part of bringing Christmas joy to Iraq! Watch #RedSleighDown: h …
- Sat, 20:02: RT @Lord_Voldemort7: The lyric “All I want for Christmas are my two front teeth” is ridiculous. Really? That’s all you want? Get better …
- Sat, 20:02: RT @TeaPartyCat: Arming teachers is a GREAT idea. I mean, who better to be a well-regulated militia than the teachers union?
- Sat, 20:10: Totally joining crossfit 😉
- Sat, 22:24: I earned 11319 points (#277829) and 34 results (#23150) by donating over 18 days (#376907) of cpu time to WCG #wcgrid
- Sat, 23:35: RT @Adonis_Leonidas: Please Retweet my Modeling Picture and help me get noticed 🙂 #PicSlip
- Sun, 00:30: RT @WilliamShatner: â@josper1975: @WilliamShatner @Faeldam Your ego seems to have a mind and mouth of it’s own.â I know. Isn’t it wonder …
- Sun, 00:31: RT @DrinKlip:
- Sun, 00:55: RT @Adonis_Leonidas: Please Retweet my PhotoShoot pix #picslip My Instagram is @AssadModelingAndFitbess
- Sun, 07:39: RT @CarminesNYC: Surprise guests coming to your holiday feast, order Carmine’s delivery if you need more food! 212-897-5700 and… http: …