My tweets
- Sat, 12:42: Turning in some of the old corporate phones. (@ Verizon Wireless)
- Sat, 22:24: I earned 11319 points (#277243) and 34 results (#22985) by donating over 18 days (#376238) of cpu time to WCG #wcgrid
- Sat, 23:42: Packing for Israel!!!!!
- Sun, 01:05: Testing Mobile Posting
- Sun, 01:19: The new iTunes and I are having some issues #WeMissYouSteveJobs
- Sun, 09:52: RT @ZscottyB: @nomadmatan @IfUCeekAmy Taking your advice. Thanks!
- Sun, 10:03: Heading to #NJ to pick up some of my Grandpa’s remaining belongings, then heading back to The Island to get some stuff done at the office.
- Sun, 10:04: 1 day and 12 hours remaining until Vacation In Israel