My tweets
- Sat, 15:57: RT @texas_dude: Why Being Sad Could Affect Your Wallet
- Sat, 22:24: I earned 11319 points (#276462) and 34 results (#22845) by donating over 18 days (#375460) of cpu time to WCG #wcgrid
- Sun, 08:00: RT @milow: Impressive Art Spiegelman exhibition in Cologne (Germany) @ Ludwig im Museum
- Sun, 11:37: RT @MyTruelad: In 1842, Richard Francis Burton challenged someone to a duel for having mocked the shape of his moustache. #TookMovemberS …
- Sun, 11:37: RT @MensHealthMag: The hardest step to take is the first one out the door. #Motivation #GetGoing
- Sun, 11:38: RT @tommy_hilton: #Competition 2 winners will win a pair of men’s underwear!To enter #RT this and #Follow @tommy_hilton Ends at 9:00GMT …